The easy way to find perennial plants is through our alphabetical perennial flowers list. We list by genus and common names.
This is a favourite group of plants for both formal and informal borders as well as cottage style gardens, we have gathered the perennial plant nurseries in Australia, all the in the one place, here at Nurseries Online.
What are Perennial Plants?
A perennial plant is any plant that lives for more than 3 years.
So these are plants are those that will come back each year, they include non-woody plants that die back in winter and then reshoot in spring as well many trees and shrubs. They differ from annual plants that die back and are regrown from seed.
Gardeners often refer to the ‘Perennial Border’ and this is a collection of plants that are grown for flowers or foliage and many die back to the ground and reappear the next season. Others perennials can be evergreen.
Growing perennials
Many perennial plants will grow well full sun others are shade loving perennials, some will provide flowers in dry shade. Perennial Plants are defined as those that live for more than two years. Woody perennials are those that develop a woody base and root system, flowers and foliage develop on the woody base each year.
A – Z List of perennial plants for Australian Gardens
A Comprehensive list of perennial plants for the Australian garden is almost impossible to compile.
So for lists we suggest you might like to browse the online catalogues, or check out the rare plants section for some really interesting and often hard to get perennial plants.
- Acanthus
- Achillea
- Achillea 'Coronation Gold'
- Achillea alpina
- Achillea argentea
- Achillea clypeolata
- Aconitum
- Actaea
- Agastache
- Agastache 'Blue Boa'
- Agastache 'Blue Fortune'
- Agastache 'Sweet Lili'
- Agastache aurantiaca
- Agastache foeniculum aurea
- Agastache mexicana
- Ageratina altissima Chocolate
- Ageratum
- Ajania pacifica
- Alchemilla mollis
- Alpine and Rock Garden Plants
- Amsonia
- Anemone sylvestris
- Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert'
- Angelica Plants
- Aquilegia
- Aquilegia viridiflora Chocolate Soldier
- Arabis
- Arctotis the African Daisy
- Argyranthemum frutescens
- Arisaema tortuosum
- Artemisia
- Artemisia caucasica - Silver Spreader
- Artemisia lactiflora guizho
- Artemisia ludoviciana ‘Valerie Finnis’
- Artemisia Powis Castle
- Artemisia stelleriana
- Asarum
- Aster
- Aster ageratoides
- Aster macrophyllus 'Twilight'
- Aster x frikartii 'Monch'
- Astilbe 'Professor Van der Wielen'
- Astilbe Plants
- Astrantia
- Astrantia major ‘Buckland’
- Aubrieta deltoidea
- Aubrietia
- Aurinia saxatilis
- Calathea
- Calendula or Pot Marigold
- Calibrachoa
- Californian Poppy
- Campanula
- Campanula 'Barbara Valentine'
- Campanula glomerata
- Campanula medium
- Campanula persicifolia
- Campanula rotundifolia
- Campanula takesimana
- Campanula vidalii
- Carnations
- Carnivorous Plants
- Catharanthus roseus - Vinca
- Celosia Cristata
- Celosia Dragon's Breath
- Centaurea
- Chaerophyllum hirsutum 'Roseum'
- Chamomile - Anthemis
- Chatham Island Forget Me Not
- Chloranthus
- Chrysanthemum Snow Dome
- Chrysanthemums
- Cimicifuga racemosa
- Cineraria
- Clitoria ternatea
- Coleus
- Columnea
- Convolvulus cneorum
- Coreopsis
- Corydalis
- Corydalis flexuosa
- Cosmos
- Cosmos atrosanguineus - Chocolate Cosmos
- Croton Plants (Codiaeum variegatum)
- Cuphea
- Cynara cardunculus
- Dahlia imperialis - The Tree Dahlia
- Daisies - Varieties and growing Conditions
- Darmera peltata
- Dasylirion
- Delphiniums
- Dianthus
- Dianthus barbatus nigrescens
- Dianthus gratianopolitanus
- Dianthus x allwoodii
- Diascia
- Dicentra
- Dicentra formosa
- Dichondra Silver Falls
- Dichorisandra thyrsiflora - Blue Ginger
- Dichroa febrifuga
- Dichroa versicolor
- Dieffenbachia
- Dietes
- Dietes grandiflora
- Digitalis
- Dionaea muscipula - Venus Fly Trap
- Disporum cantoniense
- Dodecatheon
- Doronicum
- Drought Tolerant Plants
- Lamprocapnos spectabilis
- Lavandula angustifolia - English Lavender
- Lavandula angustifolia 'Alba' - White Lavender
- Lavandula dentata - French Lavender
- Lavender - The Princess Lavender
- Lavender allardi Meerlo
- Lavender Avonview
- Lavender Varieties
- Leonotis leonurus
- Leucanthemum
- Lewisia cotyledon
- Ligularia
- Ligularia reniformis
- Limonium - The Statice Plants
- Lisianthus
- Lobelia
- Lobelia tupa
- Lotus berthelotii
- Lysimachia nummularia
- Pachyphragma
- Pachysandra terminalis
- Pansies
- Papaver Paeoniflorum
- Papaver rupifragum
- Pelargonium graveolens
- Pelargonium Madame Salleron
- Pelargonium reniforme
- Pelargonium Types
- Penstemon
- Penstemon Swan Lake
- Perennial Plants
- Persicaria
- Petunias
- Phlomis
- Phlox
- Phlox 'Minnie Pearl'
- Phlox paniculata
- Phlox subulata
- Phygelius
- Physalis Alkekengi
- Pineapple sage
- Platycodon grandiflorus
- Plectranthus ecklonii
- Podophyllum peltatum
- Polemonium caeruleum
- Polemonium caeruleum ‘Brise d’Anjou’
- Poppies
- Primula auricula
- Primula bulleyana
- Primula kisoana alba
- Primula Types
- Primula veris
- Primula vialii
- Primula vulgaris
- Pulmonaria
- Pulmonaria augustifolia azurea
- Pulmonaria saccharata 'Highdown'
- Pulsatilla
- Salix
- Salvia 'Amante'
- Salvia 'Hot Lips'
- Salvia apiana
- Salvia Aurea
- Salvia corrugata
- Salvia Costa Rica Blue
- Salvia discolor
- Salvia farinacea
- Salvia greggii
- Salvia guaranitica 'Black & Bloom'
- Salvia koyamae
- Salvia leucantha
- Salvia leucantha ‘Pink Velour’
- Salvia mexicana ‘Limelight’
- Salvia microphylla
- Salvia nemorosa
- Salvia Plants
- Salvia purpurea - The Purple Sage
- Salvia semiatrata
- Salvia sinaloensis ‘Aztec Blue’
- Salvia spathacea
- Salvia splendens
- Salvia Van Houttei
- Santolina
- Santolina chamaecyparissus
- Sarracenia
- Saruma henryi
- Scabiosa
- Scabiosa 'Midnight'
- Scutellaria
- Selaginella lepidophylla
- Shade Flowering Plants
- Soldanella
- Solidago The Goldenrods
- Sonchus
- Stokesia laevis
- Strelitzia nicolai
- Strelitzia reginae
- Streptocarpus
- Stylophorum diphyllum
- Sweet Peas
Perennial plants are available for sale from the following nurseries
PO Box 7040 Leura NSW 2780
Rare woodland plants, Trilliums Epimediums, Arisaemas, plus much more.www.lynnsrareplants.com.au
Little Hampton, Vic 345
"Mail order nursery specialising in cottage garden perennials, flowering shrubs, Trilliums, Hostas and Pacific Coast Iris. Flat rate express postage - Except WA & TAS"
Large range of Rare, Unusual and Old Fashioned Perennials. Includes Artemisias, Achilleas, Geraniums, Geums, Salvias, Penstemon and Francoa.
Large variety of Epimediums, Woodland plants and Herbaceous perennials
Mail order or nursery. We do not send to Tasmania or WA
357 Monbulk Road SILVAN VIC 3795
Guaranteed "garden worthy" bulbs, plants and perennials. Visit the website to browse our large range of daffodils or request the latest free catalogue.
52 Rodd St Canowindra NSW 2804
An online nursery specialising in drought and frost tolerant perennials and fragrant, edible and herbs.
470 Monbulk-Silvan Road Monbulk VIC 3793
"Guaranteed mail order flowering bulbs, perennials, roses, trees, landscaping plants, garden accessories and community fundraising Austra lia-wide."
'Umbango' 750 Humula Rd, Humula NSW 2652
Phone 0408692773 Great Range of Perennial plants available for sale by mail order.
412 James Lane, Fern Hill VIC. 3458 - Phone 0419002651
Large range of Rare plants, Climbers, Bulbs, Perennials Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Available both Retail and by Mail Order
Buying perennial plants
Available as potted specimens throughout the year or as bare rooted plants during dormancy we present you with the best selection of perennial plants that you can buy in Australia, all the perennial flower nurseries in the one place, here at Nurseries Online. How to plant and grow perennial plants will depend on how you buy the plants as to how and when you plant them.
Bare rooted plants are generally sold in the winter months as this is the dormancy period for most species. Plant as soon as you receive them making sure you prepare the position well before.
Individual species will require different soil conditions and aspect, some require damp positions (Astilbe, Rodgersia, Gunnera and Others) many require a moist but well drained soil. Remember to meet sun requirements, again some plants require 6-8 hours of san day as a minimum, other prefer part shade or dappled shade. Watering is similar, some perennials require a lot of water, others very little, so look for specific information.