We have been growing Brunnera for many years, last year we stumbled across Brunnera macrophylla ‘Sea Heart’ a little by accident, and we love it.
A perennial that grows well in shady positions, this really is a great foliage plant. Large heart shaped leaves that make some of the other cultivars look tiny. And texture in the leaves, they are thick with a very distinct pattern. Silver on a mid green is the best description of the colour.
The thick foliage makes it a little tougher than others and we use it beneath Japanese Maples.
Its is not a tall growing plant, reaching around 20cm in height in our garden, so plant it near a path, or near the edge of the border so you can see the foliage.
A mass planting would look great, however we have chosen to grow it in smaller clumps between other shade loving plants.
You could grow Brunnera macrophylla ‘Sea Heart’ in a container, as long as it receives adequate shade and moisture.
The flowers are blue like many Brunner species, looking a little like forget me nots. You could pick them for a vase, however the foliage is the main attraction.
Although this does look similar to B. ‘Jack Frost’. In our opinion the foliage seems thicker and larger. It also copes a little better during our warm summers. It also seems a little more resistant to snails and other pests.
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Sea Heart’ Care
Although Brunnera macrophylla ‘Sea Heart’ will grow in tough conditions, as we like the foliage so much we spoil it a little.
- Humus rich deep soil.
- Added moisture in summer.
- Fertilise in early spring and again in summer.
Over time the plant will form a clump of around 50 cm across. You may need to divide Brunnera macrophylla ‘Sea Heart’ once it gets to this size.