Finding plants online has never been easier. At Nurseries Online, we’ll take you through the ins and outs of online plant shopping in Australia. Our guide covers how to find and purchase plants from Australia’s top Online Nurseries.
Why Buy Plants Online?
Buying plants online has a number of advantages, these include variety, quality, availability and cost.
- The variety of plants available for sale online is far greater than any big box or garden centre can offer. So if you are looking for far, unusual or just ‘hard to find plants’, online is the place to look.
- Many specialist nurseries sell plants online, smaller nurseries with incredible knowledge of how to plant and grow hats they offer. So in general the quality of plant material is excellent.
- Many plants are available at different time of the year, online they are sold at the best time (generally during dormancy) so that you will have them at the right time to plant them for optimal growth.
- Plants purchased this way will not have been sitting in pots for months, and will be packed with care.
- If you take into account the quality of plants and in many cases if you buy reasonable quantities then online or mail order plants are not expensive.
- In many cases plants come complete with planting and growing notes or access to expert instructions on the sellers website.
How to buy plants online.
- Look for secure payment methods and reputable nurseries with good customer service and clear return policies. We are fortunate in Australia that the vast majority of Online Nurseries are efficient and reliable.
- Look for plants sold during the dormant season for the best results. Most Online Nurseries work by selling plants during their dormant periods.
- Ensure that you closely examine plants or bulbs as soon as they arrive. Inform the vendor immediately of any problems with quality, quantity or damage due to poor packaging.
- Plant any bulbs, perennials or roses that you buy online immediately. Nurseries can not be responsible for plants that you have neglected.
- Look for growing notes to be supplied with the purchase or available on the website.
- Seeds are also available to purchase online throughout the year. This includes vegetable seeds, flower seeds and others.
Online plant nurseries open up a world of possibilities, allowing you to find a huge range of plants, even in rural areas of New South Wales (NSW), Queensland (QLD), Victoria (VIC), South Australia (SA), Western Australia (WA), Tasmania (TAS), and the Northern Territory (NT).
Popular Plant Catagories

Rose plants are available to purchase by mail order (online) during the winter when they are posted as bare-rooted roses. Visit our Rose Pages for a full list of nurseries.

Bulbs are readily available online and are posted during the dormant period. Spring flowering bulbs are best purchased during late summer-autumn, while autumn flowering bulbs are best purchased in spring. Our general Garden Bulbs Section lists major retailers.

Perennial plants are also available through catalogues online during the dormant season, usually winter. Full list of Perennial Plant Nurseries

Fruit can be purchased online during the dormant season, usually winter. Full list of Fruit Tree Types and Nurseries

Vegetable plants and seedlings can be purchased online at various times of the year. Full list of Vegetable Plants
For a FULL LIST OF PLANTS FOR SALE visit our specialist directory alphabetical listing.
TOP TIP – What to Look for When Buying Plants Online
- Look for specialist growers who actually know about the plants they are selling. Many online nurseries have incredible knowledge about the plants that they grow.
- Look for websites with good descriptions of plants and products. A description is a must.
- Free mailing lists from online nurseries are a great way to get the latest catalogue, or subscribe to our newsletter and get the latest catalogue and new plant information delivered for free by email.
- Remember that nurseries of all sizes sell plants online, from small specialist nurseries to one-stop shops. You can compare them all right here at Nurseries Online Australia.
- Look for Quarantine Regulations. Some online nurseries can send Australia-wide, while others have limitations on what they can send, especially to Western Australia and Tasmania, Queensland and the Northern Territory.
- Cheap plants and discounts – A discount for a large order is great. Many nurseries offer cheap plants, which can be a bargain; however, you generally get what you pay for. Low cost doesn’t always guarantee quality.
- Wholesale Nurseries, in general, DO NOT sell to the public. They are set up to supply the landscape industry, retail nurseries and garden centres.
- Most Online Nurseries do not have minimum orders. However, postage is often cheaper per plant with a larger order.
- Care Notes or Growing Guide for Plants are always useful and probably contain better information than you will find in a garden forum.
- Often, nurseries will offer a collection at lower prices, special offers, or maybe lower prices for bulk plants. They save on postage and packaging and can pass on savings.
- Look for a Guarantee – you are spending your money and do not want an inferior product or damaged plants.
- Most Online Plant Nurseries accept PayPal, Direct Deposit and Credit Cards. They will often sell gift vouchers, which are great for overseas presents.
See also
Rose Plants Online
Trees Online
Herb Plants Online
Vegetable Seeds and Plants Online