
Erodiums are divided into two groups, those that are good garden plants, and those that are regarded as weeds.
Those that make good garden plants are usually drought tolerant and non invasive. They are related to the Geraniums and are a tough easy care plant.
They are evergreen, tough and very easy care.
Some species such as Erodium glandulosum and Erodium chrysanthum are used as ground cover plants. Drought tolerant low growing and long flowering, pink flowers 15 – 25cm. Commonly called ‘Storksbill’ and also ‘Heronsbill’ some species are a little invasive, while others make good garden plants.
How To Grow Erodium Plants – Basic Care
All require a position where drainage over the winter months is good.
- A well drained humus rich soil is best.
- The time to plant is in. spring before the heat of summer, or in late summer s the weather cools a little.
- Plant, mulch around the plant and water in well.
- Fertilise each spring with a slow release type organic fertiliser.
- Deadhead after flowering to encourage a second flush of flowers.
In the heat of summer Erodium plants take a break from flowering. Water them well and they quickly recover.
Erodium glandulosum is one that has been hybridised and and with its long flowering nature is very popular as a ground cover plants. Also useful for growing in containers, hanging baskets, or for planting beneath roses and other taller growing shrubs in an open position.
- E. chrysanthum is a species with pale yellow flowers.
- E. reichardii comes in a number of colours including pink.
Problem Species
Some of the species that have weed potential are E. cicutarium, E. botrys and E. moschatum.
Where To Buy Erodium Plants
52 Rodd St Canowindra NSW 2804
An online nursery specialising in drought and frost tolerant perennials and fragrant, edible and herbs.
PO Box 7040 Leura NSW 2780
Rare woodland plants, Trilliums Epimediums, Arisaemas, plus much