A late flowering perennial that is well worth the wait, Chrysanthemum Snow Dome puts on a show for 8 weeks or more. This is a hybrid between what we call ‘Hardy Mums’ or ‘Garden Mum’ and Ajainia pacifica.
It grows well in any fertile well drained soil, requires little extra water and can be grown in the garden border or in a container in a courtyard or on a balcony.
Reaching over 40cm in height with a spread to 60cm plus, it has a fairly neat growth habit, and beubg late flowering adds good colour late in the season.
How to Grow Chrysanthemum Snow Dome
Choose a position in full sun to a little shade with enough space for the plant to reach its potential.
- Prepare the soil by digging in well rotted compost and sheep manure.
- Make sure the area is well weeded.
- Plant and water in with a liquid seaweed fertiliser.
- Mulch around the plant to maintain moisture and a cool root run.
- Water during long dry spells.
Pruning Chrysanthemum Snow Dome
Although this can be a semi evergreen plant we suggest pruning back hard after the flowers have had their time. You can get away with pruning after flowering, however for better shape and more flowers we suggest something different, and its the old ‘Chelsea Chop’.
- Prune back hard in winter.
- Renew mulch in spring
- In early summer, it is a good idea to prune the plant back by 1/2 to 2/3, this will encourage a better rounded shape.
- You can prune back again by 1/3 after the first flowers to promote a second flush of flowers.
What is the ‘Chelsea Chop’
This is a term that comes from the habit of preparing perennials for the Chelsea Flower Show. It gets ‘leggy perennials’ to flower at the right time and stops them getting an untidy habit. And it is a pruning method that has been used long before the Chelsea flower show ‘commandeered’ the name.
Generally it is around 6 weeks from pruning in late winter to spring or giving the plant the ‘Chelsea Cop’ to flowering.
Chrysanthemum Snow Dome – Details and Summary
- Botanical Name – Chrysanthemum hybrida ‘Snow Dome’
- Common Name – Chrysanthemum ‘Snow Dome’.
- Position – Full sun to a little shade
- Soil – Humus rich and well drained.
- Height – To around 40cm
- Spread – To around 50cm wide.
- Flowers – White with yellow centres.
- Flowering time – Late summer onwards.
- Foliage – Mid green, silvery reverse and toothed.