Blue Mist Flower
A tall growing evergreen shrub, the Blue Mist plant (Bartlettina sordida) is native to Mexico and will reach over 2 metres in height.
Large foliage, mid to deep green and rosy red to purple flowers buds in spring are followed by large lilac flowers.
This a plant from the cloud forests of Mexico, so as an understory plant it requires dappled shade, humidity and moisture.
- Best grown in a part shaded position sheltered wind. It thrives in a moist humus rich soil.
- Protection from hot afternoon sun is essential to prevent leaf burn, and protection from frosts is also important.
- This is fast growing plant so useful in establishing new gardens.
- Mulch around the plant to suppress weeds and maintain a cool root run.
- Avoid frosts although in mild climates this is a plant that will usually recover well from frost damage.
We suggest pruning back after flowering to prevent self seeding as well as to maintain a more compact growth habit.
Plants are relatively disease free and can be pruned back after flowering to help prevent self seeding.
By division of clumps, from softwood cutting and from seed. Cuttings can be taken at almost anytime if the year, after pruning in summer is a good time, spring is also suitable.

This is a plant that will self seed and in some conditions this can be a problem.
Summary Description
- Botanical Name – Bartlettina sordida syn. Eupatorium sordidum
- Family – Asterales
- Common Name – Blue Mist Plant
- Origins – Mexico in the Cloud forests.
- Position – Part shade
- Soil – Humus rich. moist
- Height – to0 2 metres
- Spread – Over time it will spread to form a large clump.
- Flowers – Large lilac blue in colour
- Flowering Time – Spring
- Foliage – Large rounded mid to deep green.
- Frost tolerant – This plant is frost tender.
- Drought tolerant – No
Blue Mist plant (Bartlettina sordida) is available for sale from the following nurseries
Large range of Rare, Unusual and Old Fashioned Perennials. Includes Artemisias, Achilleas, Geraniums, Geums, Salvias, Penstemon and Francoa.