This is a stunning species with flower spikes to well over 1m tall. Foliage is very different to other species, upright and resembling that of a yucca, fine spines down the edges. (see picture right)
Evergreen, however may die back in colder climates, or particularly cold years.
White flowers in late summer make a stunning display. Also known as ‘ button eryngo’ and ‘rattlesnake master’, yes its from the USA and the roots were said to cure snake bites. Clump forming and an easy plant to grow.
A low care, drought tolerant plant that requires very little care or maintenance. Actually seems to perform better, and hold its upright shape in poor soils. As winter sets in the plant will die back but re sprout from offshoots.
Requires full sun and does not like to be disturbed. No pruning is required until the spent flowerhead falls over, we like to leave removal until this time as it adds a bit of a architectural interest in autumn to winter.
Propagation of Eryngium yuccifolium is by division or from seed
52 Rodd St Canowindra NSW 2804
An online nursery specialising in drought and frost tolerant perennials and fragrant, edible and herbs.
If you live in Melbourne try…
Cloudehill Nursery – phone : 03 9751 1009
89 Olinda Monbulk Road Olinda, Victoria.