A Lavender with a difference, Lavender Allardi Meerlo has variegated foliage, it grows better in humid climates than many others, and has fragrant foliage as well.

With a natural upright habit the foliage is a year round feature, it will flower in summer with typical lavender blue spikes rising above the foliage.
With outstanding foliage colour, this is a little different to other Lavender varieties and well worth seeking out.
Planted in a humus rich well drained soil, Meerlo Lavender is remarkably maintenance free. Prune it directly after flowering to help maintain a bushy compact habit.
It is a plant that can be grown in the general garden border, or try it in a container if desired.
If growing Meerlo Lavender as a hedge, try planting at around 45cm (18 inches) apart, or closer for a faster effect.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Lavender allardi Meerlo
- Common Name – Meerlo Lavender .
- Position – Full sun
- Soil – Well drained.
- Height – To 90 cm
- Growth rate – Medium
- Flowers – Lavender blue
- Flowering time – Spring to Summer.
- Foliage – Variegated cream.
- Frost tolerant – Yes
- Drought tolerant – Yes once established.