Rudbeckia fulgida var sullivantii ‘Goldsturm’ (picture right) is an excellent cultivar with golden ‘yellow daisy like flowers and a very deep red centre. One of the ‘cone flowers, this one is also known as ‘black eyed susan’, a perennial that is lower growing than many other rudbekia cultivars, ‘goldstrum’ will reach around 50 – 60 cm and works well towards the format on the garden border.
Growing well in a humus rich soil in a sunny position it is a fairly drought tolerant plant once once established. The flowers can be picked for vases or left on the plant to form a long lasting display. We leave ours on the plant until mid winter, they form a striking silhouette. When the old flower heads get to scrappy, late winter to early spring they can be cut back hard, this is also a good time to divide larger clumps, or if you like a ‘tidy’ look, cut them back earlier as the plants die back.
Looking at the natural habitat they come from North America and are used to hot summers and cold winters and rudbeckia ‘goldstrum’ is no different to others. An excellent plant for the cottage garden.
Care and growing notes
A well drained humus rich soil is best, rudbeckia ‘goldstrum’ does not like excess humidity, especially in late summer to early spring, it can be subject to powdery mildew and this can be a problem as far south as Sydney. Plant in early spring and water in well with a seaweed fertilizer, mulch with provide a cool root run.
- rudbeckia plants for sale
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