Echinops or ‘Globe Thistles’

If you want to add some blue to the garden, then Echinops ritro could be the plant for you. Not only blue flowers, Echinops also have wonderful textured foliage as an added attraction. Also known as the ‘Globe Thistle’ it is the rounded flower heads that lend it the common name.
Its not that often that we say plants prefer poor soil, however Echinops ritro might be one that copes with it better than others. Ceratinly good drainage is essential.
With spiky, electric blue flowers varieties such as E. ritro and ‘Taplow Blue’ are popular garden forms and are easy to grow and provide fantastic color in the border.
Flowers also last well as cut flowers, and will certainly add interest when used this way.

Drought tolerant, fairly disease free and easy to grow. Echinops will die back over winter, a good time to dive them if needed. The blue flowers appear in early spring and are reasonably long lasting.
We suggest deadheading as some as the flowers fade a little to prevent self seeding if this this is not desired.
With spiky foliage and great blue flowers, all varieties are a great highlight in the summer border. Look for Echinops ritro Veitch’s Blue’ and ‘Taplow Blue’
Available from the following Nurseries
52 Rodd St Canowindra NSW 2804
An online nursery specialising in drought and frost tolerant perennials and fragrant, edible and herbs.
'Umbango' 750 Humula Rd, Humula NSW 2652
Phone 0408692773 Great Range of Perennial plants available for sale by mail order.
Little Hampton, Vic 345
"Mail order nursery specialising in cottage garden perennials, flowering shrubs, Trilliums, Hostas and Pacific Coast Iris. Flat rate express postage - Except WA & TAS"