Regarded as one of the best red roses, Mr Lincoln is a hybrid tea rose popular for both the deep red flower and the fragrance
A tall growing bush rose, also available as a standard and as a climbing rose it is versatile and hardy.
As this is a rather vigorous grower it is best grown towards the back of the garden border.
Bred in the United States in 1964, and named after President Lincoln this is a rose that has proved itself over 60 years.
It is a thorny rose and also tall growing, so a spot away from pathways is suggested. Not to far back in the border as you will want to pick these wonderful red roses for cut flowers.
Fragrance is strong, reminiscent of Damask roses, a strong rich fragrance from the deep red flower, which is heightened on warm sunny days.
Mr Lincoln is a rose that grows well both in the ground as well as in containers. It is naturally a tall and vigorous growing rose and can reach nearly 2 metres ( 6ft) in height.
- Choose a sunny position
- Best in a humus rich well drained soil.
- Plant and stake the rose.
- Water in with a liquid seaweed fertiliser.
- Mulch around the rose to maintain a cool root run and moisture
In a container, make sure that it is large, around 60cm across 90 cm deep. The neck of the pot should be wide not narrowing at the top.
Top Tips
Mulch and watering during dry periods along with a regular application of fertiliser will help maximise growing conditions and plant health.
Fertilize regularly with a specialist rose food for best results. Or try ‘Dynamic Lifter’
Pruning and Fertiizer
It is easy to prune and to keep it in good shape we suggest that you prune back by 1/3 after removing old and dead wood.
Summary Information.
- Name – Mr Lincoln Rose.
- Rose Type – Hybrid Tea.
- Breeding – 1964 in the USA by Swim & Weeks.
- Height – To nearly 2 metres.
- Flower Colour – Deep red
- Fragrance – Yes, highly fragrant.
- Thorns – Yes, largish thorns.
- Pruning – Easy.
- Cut Flowers – With strong stems Mr Lincoln Rose is well suited for cut flowers.
Mr Lincoln Roses are available for sale from the following nurseries
Bare rooted and potted. Old World, David Austin, Bush & Standard Roses. Over 400 varieties available by Mail Order.
One of Australia's leading Rose suppliers. Large range of Bare root rose plants available for delivery Australia wide from June to August. For Rose care information and to order online visit our website.