The red winged rose is a ‘Wild Rose’ from China, the botanical name is Rosa sericea subsp. omeiensis f. pteracantha however it is commonly called ‘Red Wing’ or the ‘Silky Rose’.
This is a rose that is grown for the thorns rather than the flowers and the thorns do look like red wings which give the plant one of its common names.
The flowers are a clean white with 4 simple petals and yellow stamens. After the flowers have finished Rosa sericea Pteracantha produces large hips which are a good red.
Many gardeners grow this as a feature plat for the red thorns, they are large, bright red and almost luminous on the new growth. On older growth the thorns fade to a grey many gardeners strive for new growth canes every year.
Growth habit island arching canes, and if grown in an open position it makes a good feature plant. With such large thorns it can also be used as a barrier plant. Best grown away from fences and walls for easy pruning.

This is rose that is pruned to encourage the new growth with the bright red thorns, not to encourage flowers.
Usually pruning is not carried out until the plant is established and growing strongly, after around 2 years pruning commences.
It is pruned immediately after flowering and usually all of the old growth is pruned right away. This clears the old greying stems and allows the new growth with the bright red thorns to feature through spring into summer.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Rosa sericea subsp. omeiensis f. pteracantha
- Common Names – The Silky Rose, Himalayan Rose, Winged Thorn Rose, Maltese Cross Rose, Red Wing Rose.
- Family – Roseacae
- Country of Origin – China to Nepal and India
- Growth Habit – Shrub, deciduous,
- Position – Full Sun
- Soil – Humus rich well drained
- Height – To around 6ft (2 metres)
- Spread – To around 6ft (2 metres)
- Growth Rate – Fast
- Flowers – Silky white
- Flowering Time – Spring
- Foliage – Mid to deep green and fernlike.
- Frost tolerant – Yes
- Drought Tolerant – Yes