Rosa soulieana is a wild rose or species rose originating in the Hengduan Mountains in South West China.
Although not a compact growing rose it can be pruned to keep it in shape. The foliage is small, fern like and try green in colour. The flowers are a creamy white with golden yellow stamens.
Flowers are followed by small orange to yellow hips, the canes are long and arching. This is a fast growing rose and is best classed as a rambling type and can be used as a hedge or barrier. With appropriate pruning it can be used as a shrub.
Being fast growing and capable of putting on 3 metres (9ft) and more of new growth from the base in one year this is a rose that requires space to do it justice.
It looks good when in full flower, the bluey green foliage is attractive from spring through to autumn and the hips that form after the flowers add interest in autumn and winter.
The rose was first recorded by Jean André Soulié who was a French missionary. It has been in cultivation since the mid 1800s and is regarded as an important Wild Rose.