Standard roses are simply roses that are grafted onto stems that grown are on a hardy rootstock., usually at around 90cm (3ft) or 60cm(2ft), sometimes taller, this gives them a more formal look, sometimes the term “ball on a stick” is used.
Sometimes called Tree Roses they add a feeling of height to the garden and look good lining an entrance or pathway. Those grafted on to shorter stems are sometimes called patio roses.
They can be grown in the garden, or in pots, on patios and balconies.
Many roses are available either as standard or bush roses, Weeping standard roses are a different type of rose and require a different support system.
Standard Rose Varieties
Lots of roses are available as standards, they tend to be a little more expensive than bush roses because of the time put into growing the ‘standard’ and grafting the rose to the top.
What to look for in Standard Roses.
- A strong graft is essential in a standard to prevent the top from breaking.
- Correct height for planting position. Remember that these roses come in different heights, choose the right height for the position.
- Strong upright, the upright that the rose is grafted onto needs to be strong and healthy, this part can’t be pruned.
- No suckers from the rootstock, these will be briars and are of no use for flowering.
Planting Distance and Height.
The planting distance will depend on the type you have chosen. Some grow bigger heads than others so spacing will differ. As a general rule, plant standard roses at around 1 metre (3ft) apart. This distance will give most varieties a little separation.
Standard roses are all grafted, often at 90 cm, although the new trend is for miniature types, grafted at 60cm. These smaller types are well suited to growing in containers in courtyard and on patio areas.
Standard rose supports or Rings.
Like many roses, these will need a support stake or ‘rose ring’, metal is long lasting, timber is OK but will need replacing. Rose supports that are ornamental as well as strong are available from some suppliers.
Standard rose care
Similar to most other roses, they need to be pruned every year to prevent the head form getting to big and heavy for the stem as well as increasing flowering. Most can be easily pruned with secateures and the ‘vase shape’ style of pruning is most popular.
Any suckers that appear from the the rootstock need to be removed with clean sharp secateurs. They will benefit from fertilizer applied during spring as do all roses.
Standard roses are more suited to growing in the ground where they can develop a strong root system, however they can be grown in pots or containers provided they are given proper support.
Standard Roses are available for sale from the following participating nurseries
601 Sunnyholt Road Parklea NSW 2768
Parklea Pots and Plants are affordable, open 7 days and have everything you need for your garden - of any size!. Pots, plants, water features, fruit trees, hedging, potting mix and more.
Opening hours 7 days a week from 8:30am to 5pm
One of Australia's leading Rose suppliers. Large range of Bare root rose plants available for delivery Australia wide from June to August. For Rose care information and to order online visit our website.
Bare rooted and potted. Old World, David Austin, Bush & Standard Roses. Over 400 varieties available by Mail Order.
400 Galston Road, Galston NSW 2159
Huge range of potted roses available all year - weeping, standards, climbing, groundcover, bush, David Austin, Smooth Touch, Old World, New Releases. Rose Garden Design Service.