The Double Delight Rose is one of the best selling roses in the world. Available as a bush rose as well as a standard it has great fragrance and is in the ‘Rose Hall of Fame’.
A very fragrant rose Double Delight has green foliage and two-tone cream and crimson red flowers that change colour with age.
The proportion of red increases with the age of the bloom and the amount of sun it gets. Picking the blooms ‘freezes’ the colour balance. The red colour takes over as the bloom ages and also as its exposure to sun increases. Colour will not change once the individual flower is picked.

Double Delight is a rose that can be a little slow to ‘get going’ and will only form a small bush to 1m or so. Well worth the effort as the fragrance is excellent and the flowers attractive.
Mildew can be a problem in autumn so ensure good air circulation. Neem oil sprays or a solution of 3 tablespoons of baking soda and a few drops of liquid dish detergent in10 litres of water are solutions.
Fertilize regularly with a specialist rose food such as Sudden Impact for Rises, for best results. Or try ‘Dynamic Lifter’
Landscaping Uses
This is a rose that works best when used as a feature plant, the flowers and the fragrance demand this sort of attention. grow it near the front of the border or in a container on a patio..
How to Plant your Double Delight rose
Best grown in a position with good air flow and low humidity, also best in full sun or at least 6 hours of good sun a day and a well drained soil, water your new plant well the day before planting and you are ready to plant.
- Weed the area well and dig the soil over.
- Dig in some well rotted compost and aged cow manure.
- Prepare a planting hole the same depth that the rose was in the container.
- Gently remove the plant from the container.
- Place in the planting hole and backfill.
- Water in well with a liquid seaweed fertiliser.
- Lightly mulch around the plant.
- Water deeply as the soil dries over the first spring and summer.
We suggest using a general purpose rose food such as Sudden Impact for roses with an application every 8 weeks from early spring through summer. Regular seaweed fertiliser application will also help keep you Tequila Sunrise Rose Bush flowering freely.
Double Delight Roses are available for sale online from the following participating nurseries
Bare rooted and potted. Old World, David Austin, Bush & Standard Roses. Over 400 varieties available by Mail Order.
One of Australia's leading Rose suppliers. Large range of Bare root rose plants available for delivery Australia wide from June to August. For Rose care information and to order online visit our website.
400 Galston Road, Galston NSW 2159
Huge range of potted roses available all year - weeping, standards, climbing, groundcover, bush, David Austin, Smooth Touch, Old World, New Releases. Rose Garden Design Service.