A number of Acer shirasawanum cultivars are available and one of the best is Acer shirasawanum ‘Autumn Moon’.
This is a naturally small growing variety with brilliant new foliage in spring. Best described as a golden yellow with a touch of orange, often with attractive green veining.
Like most Japanese Maples the actual foliage ocular in spring and autumn will depend on the climate, sometimes you will find more orange than yellow.
When autumn comes around the colours will turn a brighter orange with red.
This is a naturally open growing form, slightly longer leaf lobes and more space between the internodes.
These maples are usually sold grafted, ungrafted types are sought after for bonsai.
Choose a position in afternoon shade or light shade in all but the coolest climates.
Dig soil over well before planting.
Add some well rotted compost.
Plant at the same depth as in the pot.
Water in well.
Water through the first two summers and any extended dry periods.
Removal of dead or damaged limbs is all that will be required. Crossing or rubbing limbs should also be removed where possible.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Acer shirasawanum ‘Autumn Moon’
- Common Names – Acer ‘Autumn Moon’
- Position – Part shade to full sun with afternoon shade in warmer areas..
- Soil – Well drained, humus rich.
- Height – To around 2 metres over 10 years.
- Spread – To around 1 metre over 10 years.
- Growth Rate – Fast when young, slowing as the tree ages.
- Flowers – Insignificant in the form of winged Samaras.
- Flowering Time – Winter to Spring and Summer.
- Foliage – Golden yellow with orange, with red in autumn..
- Frost tolerant – Yes.
- Drought tolerant – Moderate once established.
Acer shirasawanum ‘Autumn Moon’ is available for sale from the following nurseries
In Victoria also Try
Monbulk – Silvan Rd. Monbulk.