This is the sugar maple and indeed Acer saccharum is a tree grown to produce maple syrup.
Originally from the eastern states of North America this is a large growing deciduous tree with classic large green maple leaves which will turn a brilliant yellow to orange and red in autumn.
The reason for the variations in autumn foliage relates to the temperature and the amount of sunlight.
So clear autumn skies and cool temperatures will bring more vibrant colors than warm cloudy autumns.
How to Grow Acer saccharum
Growing well in full sun to part shade Acer saccharum is an excellent shade tree for larger gardens, Reaching around 25m in height with a large spreading canopy to 20m it is grown for the foliage rather than the flowers which are an attractive yellow in spring.
Growth rate is relatively slow, however when they are young they seem to put on good growth given appropriate conditions. An excellent tree for larger gardens, farms or as a street tree. And of course for the production of maple syrup.

Eucalyptus gunnii subsp. divaricata or the Miena cider gum, is grown in Tasmania and produces a similar sweet sap similar to maple syrup.
The only real issues are in very hot conditions when leaves may burn a little.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name -Acer saccharum
- Common Names – Sugar Maple or Hard Maple.
- Country of Origin – Canada to Northern USA, mainly found in Canada in hardwood forests.
- Climate Zones – Temperate to cool
- Position – Full sun to part shade
- Soil – Well drained humus rich.
- Height – Generally to around 10 metres.
- Spread – Will form a large crown over time.
- Growth Rate – Medium to Fast, the sugar maple will grow at around .7 metres a year.
- Foliage – Green turning to brilliant red in autumn..
- Flowers – Not significant, they are Samaras, which spread the seeds like helicopters.
- Flowering Time – Mainly in spring.
- Frost tolerant – Yes
- Drought tolerant – Medium

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Available from the following nurseries
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