Not widely grown as ornamentals in Australia, Passiflora have wonderful colourful and intricate flowers as well a good glossy green foliage. A plant that we think is neglected by landscapers and deserves a little more attention.
Passiflora are a (generally) frost tender climber that can be great to cover a wall or fence, some have poisonous fruit, some edible fruit so be careful with these. The best known in Australia is the edible variety that we call the ‘passionfruit’ however many species are wonderful ornamental climbers with intricate flowers.
Full sun and a structure to climb on, trellis, wires etc. But the decorative varieties such as the cold hardy variety ‘passiflora constance elliott’ and have the better flowers. Keep well mulched and don’t forget to water in the dry periods.
- Passiflora alata- Very attractive large red flowers, perfumed and one of the best ornamental species.
- Passiflora caerulea – The Fruit producing variety.
- Passiflora caerulea purple – The Purple Passion Vine that produces edible fruits as well as the purple flowers
- Passiflora coccinea – Commonly called the ‘Scarlet Passion Flower’ very large flowers.
- Passiflora adularia – This one is a hybrid, pale cream to yellow flowers, not readily available.
- P. quadrangularis – The Giant Granadilla, wonderful red flowers and large yellow fruit that are edible, but not that tasty.