Clytostoma callistegioides or ‘Trumpet Vine’
Flowering in spring Clytostoma callistegioides is a climbing plant grown for the masses of flowers that cover the plant for weeks. Excellent for growing over an arbour, or along a fence. Although this is a frost tender plant is well worth the effort.
Both Clytostoma callistegioides or ‘Trumpet Vine’ and its close relative Clytostoma binatum are grown as an ornamental climbing plants.
Clytostoma callistegioides is probably the best known species and is grown for its large purple or lilac flowers in late spring as well as interesting foliage.
It does require some support, a trellis, fence, pergola or old tree stump will do.
This is a reasonably fast growing evergreen vine that climbs using tendrils, it does require some moisture, so mulch well to maintain a cool root run. It will reach around 5m in height however it is usually cut back each year to maintain shape and size.
Summary Information.
- Height – To 3 metres although usually pruned back to 1 – 1.5 metres.
- Flowering Period – Spring to early summer.
- Flowers – trumpet shaped and violet to purple with veins.
- Foliage – Glossy green.
- Position – Full sun
- Soil – Humus rich and moist with good drainage.
- Frost tolerant – No
- propagation – Easy from cuttings.
After flowering, prune this climber back to shape, it will produce more flowers and maintain a better growth habit this way.