The Bleeding Heart Vine
A tropical climber or small shrub. Clerodendrum thomsoniae is commonly called the ‘bleeding heart vine’. It grows well in areas from northern NSW and up through Queensland. However it can be grown in cooler climates in a warm protected position.
With attractive deep green rounded foliage it gets its common name from the red and white flowers’.
It is frost tender, it will suffer if hit by a cold snap, in cooler climates, grow it in a container and give it protection over winter.
It is best pruned back in spring once the weather warms up to tidy up.
In warmer climates this is a long flowering plant, and a bit of a stunning one at that. Best grown in a humus rich moist soil, well drained yet with some moisture.
Look for a position where the plant can reach into the sun but has a cool root run, in warmer climates, some protection from the hot afternnoon sun is desirable.
Yes you can grow then in pots indoors, warm and humid conditions and good air flow are required.
Other Clerodendrum species
Clerodendrum tomentosum is the hairy clerodendon or ‘Downy Chancetree’ Clerodendrum balfouri, Clerodendrum bungei or ‘Rose Glory Bower’ and Clerodendrum splendens and all are available from selected Mail Order Nurseries
Generally available for sale at nurseries from northern NSW to QLD. Try Ross Evans Garden Centre.
Available for sale by mail order from
Climbing Plant Specialists Mob: 0428832582 – phone: (02) 6683 2582
1205 Coraki – Ellangowan Road West Coraki NSW 2471
Large range of climbing plants including many rare and unusual species. Includes: Clerodendrum