A vigorous and hardy climbing plant, Clematis maximowicziana is commonly called the Autumn clematis.
Also known as Clematis terniflora, Japanese Clematis and Clematis paniculata and Clematis dioscoreifolia
If you are looking for masses of flowers all at once, this is a clematis that supplies that look, and in autumn as well.
Masses of fragrant white flowers in autumn are the main attraction although the bright green foliage carries the plant well through summer. As summer comes to an end, the foliage almost disappears beneath the wave of flowers.
How to Grow and Care for Clematis maximowicziana
- Plant in a humus rich well drained soil.
- Amend poorer soils with organic matter such as leaf mould, or well rotted compost and some aged cow manure before plating.
- Choose a position where the root system will be in shade or at least very well mulched.
This is a fairly drought tolerant plant, if is well mulched it will survive hot summers with little to extra water. However a few good soakings over long dry periods will help ensure masses of flower buds and therefore that ‘wall of flowers’ you are looking forward to.
As this is a species that flowers on new growth, the time to prune Clematis maximowicziana is in winter, simply prune back 1/3 (or more if needed) to a height of around 1 metre (3ft)
More Clematis Varieties
You can easily grow this clematis from cuttings.