‘Honeysuckle’ plants as Climbers Or Hedges.
The Honeysuckles are Lonicera species, they come from both North America as well as Asia.
One of the Hardiest climbers is Lonicera japonica or Japanese Honey suckle. It grows well in full sun to part shade and perform well in a humus rich soil. This is a vigorous plant, grown for the masses of flowers and ability to cover fences. They are easily pruned and are often treated as shrubs.
Lonicera nitida (Boxleaf Honeysuckle) is the species popular as a low hedge, Lonicera nitida aurea has a lovely golden tinge to the foliage and Lonicera nitida ‘Baggesen’s Gold’ is also popular.
This is an evergreen species and Lonicera Nitada is an excellent choice for a small hedge, with a very small leaf size it lends itself to trimmed to a nice neat compact hedge. Foliage is a deep green and as a hedge Lonicera Nitada grows well in full sun to part shade. Prune back in early spring and keep clipped for a nice formal hedge to around 80cm. Foliage is a light to mid green and helps add a little contrast against darker foliage plants.
Best suited to a position in full sun to light shade, easily pruned with electric shears and long lived in a humus rich well drained soil.
The dwarf variety, ‘Claveys Dwarf’ is also well worth looking for.
Other species include:
- L. brownii,
- L. cyclamenifolia ‘Florida’.
- L. heckrottii ‘Firecracker’ a climbing species.
- L. japonica or (Japanese Honeysuckle)
- L. purpurea
Lonicera plants are available for sale from the following nurseries.
412 James Lane, Fern Hill VIC. 3458 - Phone 0419002651
Large range of Rare plants, Climbers, Bulbs, Perennials Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Available both Retail and by Mail Order
Large range of Rare, Unusual and Old Fashioned Perennials. Includes Artemisias, Achilleas, Geraniums, Geums, Salvias, Penstemon and Francoa.
52 Rodd St Canowindra NSW 2804
An online nursery specialising in drought and frost tolerant perennials and fragrant, edible and herbs.
WESLOR FLOWERS PLANT NURSERY – Phone: (02) 6683 2582 Fax: 02 66832766 Mob: 0428832582
1205 Coraki – Ellangowan Road West Coraki NSW 2471
Large range of climbing plants including many rare and unusual species.