Lily Of the Valley Orchid

A cool growing orchid from Mexico through Central America Osmoglossum pulchellum has attractive white flowers with a yellow labellum.
It is an orchid that will grow well in a shade house in cool to temperate climates as long as it receives protection from the heat of summer.
The flowers themselves are fragrant (similar to Lily of the Valley) and appear on long racemes, an interesting feature is that the lips are help towards the top of the flower, unusual in most orchids.
Also known as both Odontoglossum pulchellum and Cuitlauzina pulchella this is an orchid that is suited to growing in hanging baskets where the flower stems can de allowed to droop down, it also grows well in containers or as a mounted specimen on bark.
How To grow Osmoglossum pulchellum – Care and Cultivation.
Ideally temperatures of 12 C to 25c in summer dropping to 8C – 16C in winter. Osmoglossum pulchellum will withstand lower temperatures down to around 3C however not frosts.
It will also cope with hotter summer temperatures however it will need more shade and as much protection from heat as possible if temperatures rise above 35C.
Given you can provide the appropriate temperature range Light, Humidity, Watering and Growing medium need to be taken into account.
These are naturally a shade loving orchid, a 60 – 80% shade cloth in summer with more sun in winter works well.
Good air movement is essential, however not hot winds or cold drafts. In summer mist spring on days with temperatures above 30C will be beneficial.
In winter a dry period is natural, however again humidity may need to be increased to prevent the pseudobulbs from shrivelling.
Winter is the dry period, enough water to prevent the pseudobulbs from shrivelling, so around once every 2 weeks.
During summer, water every second day.
In spring and Autumn water twice a week.
Growing medium
These are an orchid that like some moisture at all times, so some fine pine bark, coarse perlite and sphagnum moss works well.
If you add a slow release fertiliser to the growing medium when repotting Osmoglossum pulchellum will require only a pinch extra each year.