Orchid Pots, Trays, Fertilizers, Clips, Tree Fern Slabs

Orchid Pots Clips and other accessories for growing orchids include a number of specialist products designed specifically for the purpose.
Growing mediums such as moss, bark, coconut husk chips and perlite are available. Accessories such as orchid hangers, orchid trays, ph meters, coconut husk chips and maximum minimum thermometers designed specifically for orchids are all readily available for sale from specialist orchid nurseries as well as by mail order.
So why do orchid pots have so many holes in them, and what’s the story with slatted orchid baskets ?
Clear Orchid Pots
Most orchid pots sold today are clear, they also have good drainage holes, some with holes in the side as well. we explain why.
Orchid pots are clear for two reasons.
- Firstly clear pots allow you to see the root system and observe any problems such as fungal problems and any insects or other pests.
- Secondly, orchids which are epiphytic, (they grow on things) appreciate the extra light on the root systems and grow a little better in the clear pots. You can grow other orchids in clear pots as well, simply pace the clear pot in a decorative container.
Orchids pots have holes for two reasons as well.
- Firstly for drainage.
- Secondly to allow air to get into the growing medium, particularly important for epiphytic orchids.
Why specialist Orchid Pots?
So why we need pots with so many holes in them, and what’s the story with slatted orchid baskets ?
Orchid pots and slatted orchid baskets are designed especially to provide appropriate drainage for different types of orchids. Nearly all orchids need good drainage, many are epiphytic, they grow on trees, and water does not gather around the roots or base.
Slatted orchid baskets are great for trailing types of orchids, they are also essential for some orchids which flower from below. And again slatted orchid baskets provide excellent drainage.
Do all orchids need special pots, well no they do not, many of the hybrid cymbidium orchids will successfully grow in a ceramic pot as long as you use a specialist orchid potting mix. However other types are a little more fussy.
Glass and clay (ceramic) orchid pots are available, however make sure that they really are designed for orchids, they need to have excellent drainage and can not be a type that holds water.
Books on Orchid Culture are a great source of information and make a great gift for any orchid enthusiast.
Orchid potting mix is another specialist material, it comes in different grades to suit different types of orchids. Pot clips, hangers, trays, moss and bark are all important orchid accessories.
Nearly all specialist orchid nurseries have a range of pots and accessories for sale and can advise you of the right pots, potting mixes and other accessories for the species you are looking at.
Orchid Pots Clips and Accessories are available for sale from the following suppliers
Orchid accessories for orchid enthusiasts. Pots, Trays, Baskets, Fertilisers and Growing Mediums available for sale online.