As far as Orchids go Gongora Orchids are a small genus with around 40 species known to be in cultivation. Most species produce numerous flowers and all require good liquid fertilizer applications when in active growth.
Gongora Orchid species such as G.galeata with its yellow to pale pink flowers, G. bufonia with pink flowers that hang down beneath distinctly upright foliage, G. tricolor with its yellow and red to orange striped flowers and G. fulva again with multi coloured red and white flowers are all epiphytic orchids.
Gongora galeata is a popular species that grows well in cool to warm climates and is nicely perfumed.
It was Gongora quinquenervis that was the first species identified in the late 1700s. And although they are not uncommon in cultivation, the fact that the flowers are short lived makes them less popular in a commercial sense. However the plants are large, fairly easy to grow and the flowers as they appear are very attractive.
They are best grown in a hanging basket as they tend to like to hang down, in a container they will work their way to the side and then flow over the edge.
Gongora Orchid Care
Gongora orchids are from Central and South America and are closely related to related to Stanhopea Orchids.
Humid conditions are best for Gongora Orchids and remember that they require regular feeding. They flower from spring to autumn.
In terms of growing conditions, very similar to Stanhopea and Phalaenopsis, constant moisture, good drainage and good strong filtered light, however not direct sun.
All Gongora species are best grown in slatted orchid baskets.
Gongora Orchid Summary
- Warmth is required.
- High Humidity is important.Good air flow and ventilation is important.
- Best grown in a hanging basket or as a mounted specimen.
Available for sale from the following nurseries
P.O.Box 114 Bowraville NSW 2449 - phone: 02 65644088 fax: 02 65644088
Rare orchid species and select hybrids. African species. Bulbophyllums. Lycastes. Paphiopedilums. Dendrochilums. Gongoras. Aerangis. Stanhopea and much more.