The most popular of all Orchids you can buy, you will even find Cymbidium Orchids for sale in supermarkets and furniture stores. However it is through online sales that the largest variety to be found is largest.
Cymbidium Orchids offered in nurseries and online are nearly always hybrids. With new releases coming onto the market every year the choice of flower colour is huge.
However we should not over look the Cymbidium Orchid species that are also available, many easy care and with attractive flowers.
In general the varieties offered are a ‘cool growing’ orchid, this makes them easier for the home gardener, however some of the species are a little more fussy.
So what about price ? This will depend on the actual variety, with new releases and some of the spectacular species being expensive, in general they are a cheap and yet rewarding orchid to grow.
Plant Sales

In most cases plants are sold as mature specimens ready to flower, however a cheaper alternative is to look for ‘back bulbs’, they will take a little longer to flower though.
Also offered as clones, these are often sold in flasks and are readily available for sale, great if you are looking for quantities for yourself, a club or to grow on and sell.
Look for reputable nurseries where you will find virus and disease free plants. These growers provide quality established plants and bulbs, the cheap alternative is not always the best.
As for colour range, all with colorings on the lip you can find anything from pure white through to yellows. green, reds depending on the grower.
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Cymbidium Orchids are available for sale form the following nurseries
1052 Whittlesea-Kinglake Road Kinglake West 3757
Offering a specialist variety of Australian native Ferns plus Dendrobium/Dockrillia & Sarcochilus species & hybrids in pots, loose, or mounted. Species Cymbidium sauve and maddidum.
P.O.Box 114 Bowraville NSW 2449 - phone: 02 65644088 fax: 02 65644088
Rare orchid species and select hybrids. African species. Bulbophyllums. Lycastes. Paphiopedilums. Dendrochilums. Gongoras. Aerangis. Stanhopea and much more.
1360 Brieses Rd Peatsridge NSW 2250
Cymbidium Orchids, Odontoglossums, Dendrodiums, Masdevallia & others. Orchid pots and accessories including bark and coconut chips, gift certificates and plant naming available.
P.O Box 108, Oyster Bay Sydney NSW 2225 – phone: 0400351544
Exclusive Australian Agents for Hatfield Orchids, U.S.A. Specialise in Cymbidium orchid seedlings & flasks.
22 Emmett Street Golden Square Victoria 3555 – phone: 03 54424806
Retail and wholesale orchid nursery, able to ship to all states. Cymbidiums
Lot 8 Wheaton Road McLarenvale SA 5171 – phone: 08 8327 3955 fax: 08 8327 3966
World leader in development and supply of quality cymbidium orchids for pots, cut flowers, professional growers and hobbyists.