To put it simply, the best and easiest to grow indoor plants are the shade loving plants, ferns are one of the best examples.
However some are easier than others, and yes you can also buy a range of climbing indoor plants.
Some succulents are also an excellent choice as house plants.
Twelve of the Best (Easy) Indoor Plants
This is going to depend on your own preferences however over the years a few have proved themselves as winners. Most of these grow well in low light, and that is part of what makes them easier to grow than others.
- Birds Nest Ferns, these are easiest of all of the ferns for indoor plants. They thrive in low light and can be left without water for 2 – 3 weeks with no real problems.
- Haworthia, species such as H. cooperi and H.truncata are easy to grow indoors, they low low light and again do not require frequent watering.
- Clivia
They like the filtered light provided indoors and flower as well. - Bromeliads
Again they grow well in filtered light and these require little care. - Raphis Palms
These slow growing palm trees are widely used in shopping centres and offices. - The ZZ plant
Zamioculcas zamiifolia, also known as Zanzibar Gem. It is as tough as old boots and will survive while you are on your holidays. - Orchids and African Violets
These do take a little care, however the wonderful flowers make them real treasures. Orchids are great indoor plants, if you are really interested perhaps and Orchidarium is a good idea. - Aspidistra elatior
The ‘Cast Iron Plant is Aspidistra elatior’, it is just so tough it deserves its name, it will almost grow in the dark with no water, easy as an indoor plant. - Sansevieria trifasciata
Another tough indoor plant, one of the best. - Increasingly popular is the Ficus lyrata or ‘Fiddle Leaf Fig’, a strong bold statement with large textured foliage
- Hippeastrum
Given the right conditions Hippeastrum can be a spectacular indoor plant when in flower. - Other Ferns
Maidehair ferns (Adiantum species) are a favourite, however many ferns including Tree Ferns and Elkhorns will grow well indoors.
Growing Indoor Plants
It really doesn’t matter what time of the year it is indoor plants are valued for bringing for the calming effect that they have as well as the aesthetic appeal.
Any plant that will grow indoors is basically a plant that copes well in a low light situation, and these range from smaller plants like the well know ‘Lucky Bamboo’ through to larger growing plants. Some palm trees such as Chamaedorea elegans or parlour palm is one, Rhapis excelsa or Lady Palm is another, and or course bromeliads are readily available for sale for indoor use.
Now different indoor situations will have different light levels and this of course means selecting the right plant for the right light level.
You also need to consider size and care requirements, maidenhair ferns will grow well indoors, but require a fair bit of care. Aspidistra, require almost no care at all, and I have seen a few cane begonias that seem to cope well with neglect.
Of course special flowering plants such as Clivia, african violets and orchids will all grow indoors as will some exotic foliage plants. And plants are now being used as natures air conditioners and to assist with easy care, try using lightweight GRC as this makes for easier moving and as many indoor plants do like a bit of a rest in the great outdoors,
Fertilizer selection is important, nothing that smells to much, slow release is good. No general rule applies for watering indoor plants as requirements differ.
Where to Buy Indoor Plants
Indoor Plant specialists for Melbourne. - Ph : 0435 677 428
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Online and Retail Melbourne and Geelong based garden centres. Check out their large range of indoor and outdoor plants, Australian Natives, Fruit Trees and Edibles, Succulents, Gardenias, Camellias, Hydrangeas plus a full range garden products for delivery in Melbourne.
Wholesale Suppliers Incluse
1052 Whittlesea-Kinglake Road Kinglake West 3757
Offering a specialist variety of Australian native Ferns plus Dendrobium/Dockrillia & Sarcochilus species & hybrids in pots, loose, or mounted. Species Cymbidium sauve and maddidum.
685 Mickleham Rd, GreenVale,Vic 3059
Grass trees, palms, ferns, bromeliads, cycads, cordylines, yucca, bannanas, birds of paradise, succulents, dracaenas, ponytails, for all gardens sizes from small to large landscaped gardens. Advanced Date Palms available.