With deep green leaves that have a natural wavy edge Philodendron Super Atom is widely used as an indoor plant.
Being a a smaller growing species (Philodendron bipinnatifidum syn. Philodendron selloum) it is a good plant for smaller areas.
Usually, when grown in a container it will reach around 50cm in height (18 inches) however it can still reach around 1 metres (3ft) and more in height in good conditions with a similar spread but is easy to grow.
Sometimes called the Horsehead Philodendron or Lacy philodendron this is a plant from South America and it does like a warm slightly humid climate.
Care and Growing Conditions
A good plant for growing in containers in warmer climates it can also be used as a garden plant.
- Soil
Use a free draining high quality potting mix - Light
Good filtered light is best, direct hot sun can cause leaf burn. - Water
Only water when the soil has stared to dry, overwatering can cause root problems.