Stephandra tanakae is an attractive medium growing deciduous shrub with bright green foliage on arching cinnamon brown stems. Delicate white flowers in summer contrast well against the foliage.
This deciduous plant is mainly grown for the foliage which is an attractive bright green with toothed leaf margins. The good green lasts from from spring through summer , then turning a rich yellow in autumn.
With graceful arching foliage Stephandra tanakae or Japanese Stephanandra, will spread by self layering where the stems touch the ground, however it is very easy to control. Both frost and drought tolerant this is an excellent garden plant for many landscaping applications.
Other species include :
- Stephanandra incisa or ‘Cut Leaf’ Stephanandra is a lower growing shrub with orange autumn foliage
Growing to only 2m Stephanandra Tanakae prefers a humus rich well drained but moist soil in semi shade. In long dry summer periods some additional water will be required, however this is a remarkably tolerant plant in most reasonable soils.
Plants can be pruned by removing some of the older canes immediately after flowering. Older plants can be cut back hard in late winter to totally rejuvenate them.
Stephanandra tanakae is available from the following growers
125 Palmer Rd Jindivick 3818
Open Thursday - Sunday 10am - 4pm
Specialising in growing and selling Rare and Unusual Trees, shrubs Perennials Bulbs and Climbers, a unique nursery with amazing stock.