The Mayapples

A group of plants that are finding their way into Australian gardens, Podophyllum are a group of woodland plants commonly called ‘Mayapple’ or ‘American Mandrake’.
In recent years this genus has been split into two with the Asian species being transferred to the genus Dysosma. The name Podophyllum means ‘Foot Leaf’.
These are another nice woodland ground cover plant that is a great addition to any garden. A number of species are worth considering for those with shaded gardens, they also make great specimen plants in containers.
Although they do flower, it is the large textured or glossy foliage that we grow these plants. They thrive in filtered light to dapples shade, excellent for beneath deciduous trees, or in a shady part of the garden.
Some research is being carried out as to the homeopathic use of the resins in this group of plants, however it is as a shade loving, ground cover garden plant that we find it useful.
How To Grow Podophyllum – Basic Care
Being woodland plants the best position for Podophyllum is in light shade.
- Choose a position where the soil drains freely, these plants do not like wet soggy soils.
- Aim for a slightly acidic soil so pH of around 5.8 – 6.5.
- Prepare the soil by digging in a good amount of organic matter and some aged cow manure. The organic matter helps retain moisture and the cow manure will assist with early growth without burning the roots.
- Plant and water in well.
- Mulch around the plant to help with moisture and suppress weeds.
- Fertilise each spring with an organic general purpose fertiliser.
- Water deeply during any long by periods, particularly in spring or summer.
These plants are heavy feeders so for best growth regular fertiliser and extra mulch and cow manure in spring will have your Podophyllums looking great.
Take care when handling the plant as both the leaves and the roots are poisonous and an irritant to skin. Plants will reach around 50 cm in height before dying back in autumn.
One of the great things about the species is that as long as it is grown in shade it copes well with dryish conditions. Excellent for planting beneath trees.
Planting Suggestions
Grow Podophyllum in similar conditions to Hostas. Companion plants can include Trilliums, Uvalaria or if you can find it, Peony obovata, the Japanese Woodland Peony.
For a different look try growing Podophyllums in a container to lift them up to just below eye level. You get to see the flowers as well as the interesting structure of the stems and a closer look at those amazing leaves.
Podophyllum Varieties Include
Podophyllum peltatum (Berberidaceae) or ‘American May Apple’ with nice bright green foliage Podophyllum peltatum makes a great ground cover for the woodland garden. Small white flowers held beneath the foliage in late spring followed by an edible fruit. This species grows well in USDA Zones 3 – 8. Or in the UK to Zone 4
Grown mainly for the foliage this is a plant that grows well in light shade where it will spread to form a clump over time. Although the plants do produce a small fruit it is the large palmate foliage that is the attraction, the yellow fruits are really just an added attraction.
Asian Podophyllum Species
These species generally require a warmer climate than their American relatives so USDA Zones 6 – 9 are a general guide.
Podophyllum pleianthum is a species from China and Japan, with its large glossy foliage has foliage that appears on stems around 5 – 10 cm tall. The flowers appear which beneath the foliage make the plant a candidate for growing in a container. Flower colour is red however they do have have a faint yet unpleasant odour, not enough to distract from the great foliage.
It is however Podophyllum delavayi another species from China, and its cultivars such as ‘Spotty Dotty’ that are the real stars of this group of plants, the foliage is spectacular. Large mid green leaves with a blistered texture and deep brown to crimson red spots. The foliage is divided with deep lobes, and it makes a stunning addition to the shade garden.
Podophyllum plants are available for sale from the following growers.
138 Olinda-Monbulk Rd, Olinda VIC 3788
"Large range of rare and unusual plants.."
PO Box 7040 Leura NSW 2780
Rare woodland plants, Trilliums Epimediums, Arisaemas, plus much