Ajuga reptans

A wonderful ground cover plant Ajuga reptans is a spreading creeping perennial. Over time it will cover a large area, however with a little control it should not be seen as invasive.
Flowers appear in spring through to late summer, small with purple lips that are held upright above the foliage. This is an evergreen plant, however in colder climates it will lose some foliage and be semi – deciduous.
Best planted in a position where it is naturally confined rather than allowed to spread in bushland. Also known as “Bugleweed’ and it works well as a ground cover or understory plant in sun to part shade.

Ajuga reptans spreads to form a thick mat. Deep blue to purple flowers in spring. A few cultivars are around including ‘Jungle Beauty’ with darker foliage and it is a little more vigorous than say ‘Caitlins Giant’.
If you are looking for brilliant variegated foliage then look for A. Arctic Fox, green and white variegated foliage really is a standout, this one is available form Lynns Rare Plants.
Ajuga ‘Atropurpurea’ is a variety that has stronger bronze foliage
Not fussy about soil and with the ability to grow equally well in full sun to dappled shade. Ajuga reptans does like a well drained position.
The ideal use of Ajuga reptans is for planting in a position where you do not intend to grow much else. As a ground cover beneath trees, or as a liner besides a pathway.
Ajuga reptans are available for sale form the following nurseries
470 Monbulk-Silvan Road Monbulk VIC 3793
"Guaranteed mail order flowering bulbs, perennials, roses, trees, landscaping plants, garden accessories and community fundraising Austra lia-wide."
'Umbango' 750 Humula Rd, Humula NSW 2652
Phone 0408692773 Great Range of Perennial plants available for sale by mail order.
125 Palmer Rd Jindivick 3818
Open Thursday - Sunday 10am - 4pm
Specialising in growing and selling Rare and Unusual Trees, shrubs Perennials Bulbs and Climbers, a unique nursery with amazing stock.
PO Box 7040 Leura NSW 2780
Rare woodland plants, Trilliums Epimediums, Arisaemas, plus much more.www.lynnsrareplants.com.au
111 Stanhope Road Theresa Park NSW 2570
Offering a variety of sun hardy Australian natives and exotic trees, shrubs, groundcover's and perennials from semi advanced through to super advanced and semi-mature stock.
email ask@plantmark.com.au
One of Australia's largest wholesale trade nurseries. Over 30,000 species available, tubestock to advanced trees, an almost unlimited choice of plants.