Cyathea tomentosissima is one of the smaller growing tree ferns, it grows in New Guinea and at high elevation so instead of thinking tropical climate think a climate that is warm to cool, not cold and without a lot of seasonal variation.

Also consider it grows as an understory plant so like most tree ferns good filtered light is the key to good growth.
It will form a trunk to around 6 ft (2m) in height, it has very attractive foliage with fine rusty brown coverage on the stipes (broken off stems) on the trunk.
It will grow well in containers on a verandah and it will also grow indoors.
In the UK this plant is sometimes called the ‘Dwarf Woolly tree fern’.
How to Grow Cyathea tomentosissima
Being a sub tropical species this is a fern that needs to be protected from very cold days, no frosts and no freezes.
Hot dry conditions will cause the plant to die, however if it is kept moist, and out of hot direct sun, it will cope with heat.
Cold wet conditions will also not suit, so in cooler conditions you need to make sure that the soil is well drained, never wet and soggy. And in cold conditions below around 10C it needs to be indoors.
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