China Gold Bamboo – Bambusa eutuldoides var. viridi-vittata
A non invasive or ‘clumping’ bamboo, China Gold bamboo lives up to its name with bright golden canes with some green striping.
An excellent ornamental bamboo, reaching around 6m in height. Over time it will form a good 2m + clump.
Landscaping Uses
Use as screening plant and you will find that it maintains foliage all the way down the stems.
This is a fairly open growing species, the canes are not usually close together, so it can give a wonderful look in clump.
As an ornamental, prune away the lower growth to reveal wonderful golden canes, excellent as a feature in a Japanese style garden
China Gold Bamboo Care
This is an easy care bamboo that will reach its full height in 3 around years. Grows well in full sun to part shade and a humus rich well drained soil will be sufficient. Water well when planting, usually fairly drought tolerant once established.
You can decide to prune away the lower foliage to reveal the golden canes, or leave it to provide a screen to ground level. Open in natural growth it is easy to clean between the canes for a formal clean look in the ornamental garden.
Growth Rate – Will reach 5 – 6 metres in height in 2 – 3 years depending on conditions.
China Gold Bamboo is available for sale from the following suppliers.
50 Meadowbrook Way Riddells Creek
Specialising in non-invasive & running bamboo
With over 50 varieties of bamboo planted on our property your sure to pick the right bamboo to suit your needs
1360 Bolong Road Coolangatta NSW 2535
A range of Balinese style water features for Sydney the Illawarra and Shoalhaven regions. Clumping bamboo privacy screens.