Tiger Orchid

With its distinctive striped flowers Diuris sulphurea is commonly known as the Tiger Orchid. Also called the Hornet Orchid, the dark markings on the upper lobes and brown on the deeper yellow labellum make this a most attractive and distinctive Australian Native Orchid.
This is a terrestrial or ‘ground orchid’ endemic to eastern Australia. Characterised by bright yellow flowers with deep red to brown markings on the lower petal.
The long thin grass like foliage to 60cm is difficult to notice amongst other growth in spring however it can be identified by the folded form it takes . The tall flower spikes that can reach 50 – 60 cm are prominent.
Found in from New South Wales Victoria and Tasmania with some populations in southern Queensland this is a terrestrial orchid that thrives in well drained but moisture retentive soil.
Found at high altitudes as well as in lower foothill and open woodland areas if left in its natural habitat it is hardy and will form a good colony. Growing in open forest areas this is another species endangered by grazing and development.
It can also be found coastal areas, and grasslands it is in active growth from spring through to early – mid summer
How to Grow Diuris sulphurea – Basic care
This is a species that can be grown from seed, however from germination to flowering will take some years.
It is not an orchid that will survive transplanting from the wild or in the garden, so if you do germinate the seed, find a permanent position where it will not be disturbed.
- Mimic its natural conditions and you have a good chance of establishing a good colony over time.
- You willed to obtain seed and germinate them.
- A well drained soil and a position in semi shade is best.
- Plant germinated seedlings and protect from grazing animals with some form of mesh.
- They seem to grow happily when planted with native grasses
Once established you will be rewarded with a flower spike with between 1 and 5 flowers, more flowers on mature specimens. The flowers are surrounded by grass like leaves usually 2 -3.
Summary Information
- Botanical Nmae – Diuris sulphurea
- Common Names – Tiger Orchid, Hornet Orchid.
- Natural Habitat – Light to part shade in open woodland areas, well drained soil.
- Height – Variable height from 30 cm to 50 cm depending on soil and conditions.
- Foliage – Slender upright mid green, strappy or grass like.
- Flower – Flowers appear, yellow with deep red to purple markings.
- Flowering Period – Spring – September to December, depending on the climate zone.
- Conditions – Well drained soil, light shade.
- Landscaping Uses – Can be grown in a native woodland setting.
- Propagation – From seed or by division of tubers from larger colonies.
Other Diuris species
- Diuris amplissima – Giant Donkey Orchid
- Diuris behrii – Golden Cowslips
- Diuris conspicillata
- Diuris longifolia
- Diuris orientis – – Wallflower Orchid
- D. pardina – Known as the Leopard Orchid
- Diuris sulphurea – – Commonly called the Tiger Orchid
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