River Wattle

A fast growing Australian Native plant Acacia cognata is the most widely grown species of all of the Acacias.
Commonly called the river wattle, there are dozens of vroites with different characteristics.
All have a natural weeping habit, they do differ in height from low growing to tall trees.
Foliage also differs in that some have a stronger weeping habit than others and foliage colour and texture also differs.

This is a narrow-leafed wattle, the smaller growing cultivars, including ‘Limelight’, ‘Green Mist’ and ‘Waterfall’, are most popular. All have been developed from the natural form, which is a small weeping tree.
The newer cultivars, especially dwarf forms such as Acacia cognata ‘Limelight’, Acacia cognata ‘Lime Magik’ and Acacia cognata dwarf ‘Mini Cog’, are perhaps one of the most successful developments in Australian Native Plants in recent years with a number of varied cultivars being developed. The dwarf or low-growing forms are becoming increasingly popular in Australian gardens.
How to Grow Acacia Cognata – Basic Care

All varieties require a well drained soil and full sun to a little shade.
Start be weeding the area well before planting.
For best foliage growth choose a position in full sun to a little shade.
- Take care to ensure that the drainage is good, although this plant is sometimes called the river wattle it does not like wet soils.
- Dig the soil over well adding a little compost to poorer soils.
- Plant at the same level as your Acacis cognata was in the container.
- Water in well with a liquid seaweed fertiliser.
- Mulch around the plant to help suppress weeds and maintain a cool root run.
Ongoing Care
- An all-purpose Australian Native Plant fertilizer applied in spring will benefit growth.
- Water through the first two summers. Once established A. cognata is regarded as being drought tolerant and will only need extra water during very long dry hot summers.
- Renew mulch each spring.
Pruning Acacia Cognata
- Acacia cognata varieties can be pruned lightly. Pruning in spring is recommended in most areas.
- Only prune back to where there is good foliage growth, always prune lightly leaving foliage on every stem. Heavy canopy pruning is not recommended.
- Pruning back into bare wood will not work, the plant usually will fail to reshoot.
- Damaged branches can be pruned back as needed.
Landscaping Uses
A. Cognata cultivars vary in height from 0.75m through to 6-8m. The dwarf forms receive much attention; however, we believe that the taller growing cultivars such as A. cognata ‘Copper Tips’ are also of equal value in landscaping, especially for use as screening plants also used as useful both as specimen plants and as hedging plants.
Varieties of Wattle include:
Acaia cognata ‘Bower Wattle’ or ‘River Wattle’ cultivars all prefer a sunny, well-drained position. Once established Acacia Cognata species are relatively drought-tolerant and are useful both as specimen plants and as hedging plants.
- A. cognata ‘Bower Beauty’ is a dwarf form growing to approx 1m. Great green foliage and striking orange/bronze new growth.
- A.cognata ‘Copper Tips’ is a small weeping tree growing to 6m depending on conditions. It has really nice bright green pendulous foliage with copper-coloured new growth. Makes a nice small specimen tree or could be used as a hedge or screen.
- A. cognata ‘Curtain Call’ is a taller growing variety to around 5m with an eventual spread of 3-4m. Excellent as a screening plant or as a small feature tree.
- A. cognata ‘Lime Majik’ has lighter green foliage than some. Tall to around 4m with a nice weeping habit.
- A. cognata ‘Waterfall’ lives up to its name. Great for trailing over a retaining wall with green foliage that will cascade down the wall for 2m.
- A. cognata ‘Fettuccine’ is a compact, low-growing cultivar growing to 75 – 90cm. Maintains a nice shape and is suitable for use as a low-border plant or a specimen in a border or container.
- A. cognata ‘Green Mist’ and ‘Limelight’ will grow to 1m, again a nice weeping habit and great landscaping plants.
- A. cognata ‘River Cascade’ will grow to approx 1m and again makes an excellent low hedging or border plant.
Where to Find Acacia cognata varieties
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