One of the more attractive and garden worthy wattle trees is Acacia leprosa, a medium sized wattle with an attractive weeping habit.
Acacia leprosa is commonly called the ‘Cinnamon wattle’ and it prefers a sunny well drained position. Its natural habitat is on the tablelands that run from New south Wales through to Victoria. The flowers are yellow and appear in spring, however one different variety has recently been discovered.
Once established they are relatively drought tolerant, as is the form ‘Scarlet Blaze’ is useful both as a specimen plants or as hedging plant.
Much prized for its weeping habit Acacia leprosa can be planted as an informal weeping hedge or as a specimen tree. It is the foliage not the flowers that are fragrant. Small red flowers are attractive in winter to spring.
Consider light pruning after flowering to maintain shape and form.
Acacia cognata
Acacia leprosa
Acacia vernicifula
28 Staton Crescent Westlake Victoria 3337 – phone: 0403 078 708
Wattle Nursery. Specializing in beautiful, rare and endangered species of Acacia. Visit the Wattle Display garden by appointment. All modern Acacia cultivars for sale/order. Includes: Acacia Cognata Bower Beauty, Copper Tips, Fettuccine, Green Mist, Limelight, Lime Magik, Mop Top, River Cascade, Waterfall Acacia leprosa Scarlet Blaze Acacia verniciflua ‘Avenel’ Sigma weeping wattle