The Red flowing wattle ‘ Scarlet Blaze’ is a variety of Acacia leprosa and is rare in the wild. An accidental find this wonderful plant is known in cultivation as, Acacia leprosa ‘Scarlet Blaze’. As such a unique specimen it was named as Victorias Centenary of Federation floral emblem. This is a form of the well known Cinnamon Wattle.
A small to medium growing plant reaching around 4m in height depending on conditions, with a nice weeping habit and deep red flowers this is a unique plant. Acacia leprosa ‘Scarlet Blaze’ requires a well drained position in full sun, protection from strong winds is advisable.
Pruning is not recommended and many gardeners who have tried to promote a more upright habit habit by staking the plant have run into trouble, this is a ‘plant me and leave me alone species’. They do not grow well in windy conditions.
Landscaping Uses
As this is a most attractive tree it could be grown as a feature in the native garden. In a large container it would also make an excellent specimen. Reaching around 4m in height and with an attractive weeping habit this is a tree with a real future in Australian gardens.
If you are in Melbourne a wonderful example is located in the Botanical Gardens. It can be a little expensive as it is only grown from cuttings. It will not come tee to colour from seed.
Acacia Leprosa ‘Scarlet Blaze’ being of significant importance for the home gardener and landscaping industry. It is a relatively new discovery (1995) and only released in 2001.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Acacia leprosa
- Family – Fabaceae
- Common Names – Scarlet Wattle, Cinnamon Wattle
- Height – To around 5 metres
- Width – To around 3 metres
- Position – Full Sun
- Soil – Well drained
- Flowers – Red
- Flowering Time – Late winter into spring.
- Foliage – Mid green and and scented.
- Frost tolerant – Mild frosts only
- Drought tolerant – Medium once established.
Acacia Leprosa ‘Scarlet Blaze’ is available for sale from the following participating nurseries
28 Staton Crescent Westlake Victoria 3337 – phone: 0403 078 708
Wattle Nursery. Specializing in beautiful, rare and endangered species of Acacia.
Visit the Wattle Display garden by appointment.
All modern Acacia cultivars for sale/order. Includes: Acacia Cognata Bower Beauty, Copper Tips, Fettuccine, Green Mist, Limelight, Lime Magik, Mop Top, River Cascade, Waterfall Acacia leprosa Scarlet Blaze Acacia verniciflua ‘Avenel’ Sigma weeping wattle