‘Varnish Wattle’

Acacia verniciflua or ‘Varnish Wattle’ as it is commonly known is a medium sized wattle growing to approx 4m.
A wide spread species originally from Vic, SA, NSW, Qld and Tasmania. Acacia Verniciflua can be pruned regularly to keep in shape.
More of a shrubby plant than a tree Acacia verniciflua or ‘Varnish Wattle’ will reach around 3 – 5m in height with long spreading or arching branches. This is a species that can be used in revegeation as it has the ability to fix nitrogen and is not attractive to livestock. Very attractive to bees, birds and insects so it makes a great habitat plant. Also used for planting along highways to control verge erosion.
How To Grow Acacia verniciflua ‘Varnish wattle’
Acacia verniciflua ‘Varnish wattle’ is a fast growing wattle that prefers a sunny well drained position. Once established they are relatively drought tolerant. Useful as a hedging plant ground cover or low growing windbreak. It can be cut back or pruned just after flowering to maintain a more compact habit if grown as a garden plant.
Bright yellow flowers in spring and the ability to adapt to a range of soil conditions make this a useful plant.
Acacia verniciflua or ‘Varnish Wattle’ is available for sale from the following nurseries.
28 Staton Crescent Westlake Victoria 3337 – phone: 0403 078 708
Wattle Nursery. Specializing in beautiful, rare and endangered species of Acacia. Visit the Wattle Display garden by appointment. All modern Acacia cultivars for sale/order. Includes: Acacia Cognata Bower Beauty, Copper Tips, Fettuccine, Green Mist, Limelight, Lime Magik, Mop Top, River Cascade, Waterfall Acacia leprosa Scarlet Blaze Acacia verniciflua ‘Avenel’ Sigma weeping wattle