If you are looking for an easy care plant for a shaded area, ornamental grasses may be the solution.
Although shade can be a difficult part of the garden to grow plants.A number of grass like plants grow well beneath trees and in the shadows of buildings. We look at some of the best ornamental grasses for both dry and damp shade.
Shade Tolerant Ornamental Grasses

Japanese Forest Grass – Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’
This is a very attractive plant with lime green and yellow arching foliage. It grows well in part shade, however it does need some moisture. Also suited to growing in containers. Use it as an edging plant.
Height – To 30 – 50 cm
Spread – To 60 cm
Evergreen -No
Care -Low care
Requires moisture.

Liriop muscari ‘Emerald Cascade’
If we had to choose one grass for dry shade, this would be it. Very attractive evergreen foliage, grows well in dry shade and requires little to no maintenance. Its not invasive and looks great all year round. It also looks great in a container.
Height – To 30 – 50 cm
Spread – To 60 cm
Evergreen -Yes
Care – Very low care.
Tolerates dry shade conditions
Liriop muscari
The other Liriopes are all good in dry shade, some with flowers, some with variegated foliage, however ‘Emerald Cascade’ just beats them for us.

This one is a fern rather than a grass, however its great in shade and has brilliant new foliage in spring.
Height – To 30 cm
Spread – To 60 cm by rhizomes
Evergreen -Yes
Care – Very low care.
Tolerates medium dry shade conditions
Chasmanthium latifolium – Sea Oats
Taller growing to around 1 metre, attractive seed heads, however it will self seed. So be careful where you plant it.
Variable in height from 10 cm to 1metre. Look for the clump forming varieties unless you have the space. Many species grow well in moist and even wet soil.
Deschampsia cespitosa – Tufted Hair Grass
Clump forming and reaches from 70 cm to 1m in height. It does prefer moist soils.
Height – To 70 cm
Spread – To 60 cm
Evergreen -No
Care – Needs to be cut back each year.
This is a native grass that does well in light shade, slow growing and not the best in very dry soils.
Height – From 30 cm to 1.4 metres
Spread – Clump forming
Care – Low care.

Excellent in shade with the lower growing types being the best. Give them some water over the first summer and they will grow well with little extra care
Height – Varies from 3 cm to 15cm
Spread – Will slowly spread to form a large clump.
Care – Very low care.
Grasses for Shade – Landscaping Notes
You need to consider when choosing grasses for shade factors such as :
- Soil moisture
- Degree of shade.
- Height of the grass
- Maintenance.
- Colour and texture.
- Flowers.
- Deciduous or Evergreen.
- Suitable for foot traffic.