Coastal Speargrass

Also known as Prickly Spear Grass and Coastal Speargrass, Austrostipa stipoides (syn.Stipa stipoides) is a tussock forming grass found widely in coastal areas.
Forming neat tussocks Austrostipa stipoides does come in a number of forms and will vary a little in height.
How To Grow Austrostipa stipoides – Basic Care
This is a very low care ornamental grass that requires little pruning. Excellent is sandy soils and well drained poor soils.
- Best grown in a well drained soil and in full sun, this is a very easy and low care grass.
- Give protection from frosts, this is a grass that deserves a little more recognition.
- It will reach around 80cm in height, the only thing to be aware of is that the grass is ‘spiky’, so plant away from traffic areas.
- Occasional applications of slow release native plant fertiliser will be beneficial.
Landscaping Uses

Best landscaping applications are in open areas where it is exposed to winds and periods of dryness.
Excellent in coastal gardens as well as in coastal land reclamation.
This is a spiky of prickly plant as the name suggests and is best planted away from traffic areas and pathways.
This evergreen tufting grass has a nice architectural look to it when planted in groups.
Summary Information.
- Botanical Name – Austrostipa stipoides
- Common Names – Prickly Spear Grass, Coastal Speargrass.
- Height – From 60 cm to 1m
- Spread – Will form a dense tussock to .5m and greater.
- Position – Full sun.
- Foliage – Brown to Bronze green.
- Flowers – Pale yellow.
- Flowering period – Spring too summer.
- Frost tolerant – Yes, Medium to High.
- Coastal conditions – Well suited.
- Propagation Easy by division, also possible from seed however smoke treatment may be needed.