The Australian Hop Bush
Dodonaea are referred to the ‘Hop Bush’ due to their fruits that look like ‘Hops’. Dodonaea viscosa will grow to 8m, most other species are small to medium shrubs.
Colourful foliage plant for the border, also used as a hedging plant. and for erosion control. Also used for medicinal purposes as well as for making beer, hence the common name ‘Hop Bush’.

How to grow Care Dodonaea viscosa
Dodenaea are generally a tough plant, easy to grow and with attractive foliage and colorful fruit can make be a useful garden plant. One of the biggest problems is to much fertilizer, in fact they require none at all.
Best grown in full sun, although it will cope in a little shade. A good screening plant and it is easy to prune.
Regarded as drought tolerant once established, however some deep watering when young, and during very dry spells will improve growth.
Another issue is with mulching, Dodonaea seem to be particularly susceptible to ‘collar rot’, so keep mulch away from the base of the plants. Another issue is that not all Dodonaea viscosa are from Australia, some originate from New Zealand and these varieties seem to have problems in terms of longevity.
Plants can be tip pruned from an early age to promote a bushy habit.
Landscaping Uses
Colourful foliage plant for the border, also used as a hedging plant. and for erosion control. Also used for medicinal purposes as well as for making beer, hence the common name ‘Hop Bush’.
Other species
- Dodonaea triquetra has either dark purple fruits or green fruits depending on variety.
- Dodonaea viscosa cv. purpurea or ‘sticky hop bush’ or Purple Hop Bush, andis found in many nurseries its purple leaves are a feature. An excellent plant for landscaping. Evergreen and reaching around 3-4m in height, although with much natural variation this species widely found in Australia.
- Plant Type – Perennial Shrub
- Country of origin – Australia.
- Common Name – Hop Bush, Sticky Hop Bush
- Natural Habitat – Full sun, well drained soil.
- Growth Rate – Medium to Fast
- Evergreen / Deciduous – Evergreen
- Soil – Well drained humus rich
- Position – Full sun to part afternoon shade.
- Height – Variable height from 3 -5m depending on soil and conditions.
- Foliage – Spoon shaped, Green or Red flushed with green depending on variety
- Flower – Flowers inconspicuous, followed by small fruit.
- Flowering Period – Spring
- Conditions – Well drained soil..
- Coastal condition – Yes
- Landscaping Uses – Can be used as a border plant or as a low screen.
- Propagation – From seed or from cuttings
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Dodonea are available for sale from the following nurseries
412 James Lane, Fern Hill VIC. 3458 - Phone 0419002651
Large range of Rare plants, Climbers, Bulbs, Perennials Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Available both Retail and by Mail Order