The Trumpet Tree
Tabebuia, are known as the Trumpet Tree and is one of the more spectacular winter flowering tropical to sub tropical trees. Although it is commonly called the ‘pink Trumpet Tree’, the flower colour will depend on the species.
These are a group of attractive flowering deciduous trees. They come into flower in late winter and at this time they change from bare branches to a flowering marvel.
Although they are best in tropical climates, they will grow in cooler areas as long as the environment is frost free. A few good examples can be found in Sydney, however not much further south. In these cooler areas try a position in full sun with protection from any cold winds.
A humus rich moist soil is essential and drainage should be good.
Flowering is best in a climate that gives these plants a dry a winter. In summer they do like humidity and moisture. In some areas they flower twice a year, in autumn and again later winter to spring.
Tabebuia Varieties.
- T. impetiginosa is originally from Mexico through to Argentina.
- The pink trumpet tree is Tabebuia heterophylla.
- T. caraiba or Yellow Tabebuia is a smaller growing species from Brazil
- T.a pallida is the Pale Pink Trumpet Tree reaching 5m, showy flowers and a none invasive root system make this popular.
- T. aurea or Paraguayan trumpet tree
- T. palmeri or Pink Trumpet Tree,
Others Include : T. chrysotricha, T. heterophylla and T. rosea