Heliconia Caribaea ‘Rio’ is a tall growing variety reaching up to 4 metres in height, depending on conditions.
With a clump forming habit this attractive variety will flower from summer right trough until autumn, although it can flower in spring as well.
Best is a tropical to sub tropical climate, if you are keen enough you can grow this colourful variety as far south as Sydney. You will need a warm protected position, a little micro climate that replicated the warmth and humidity it grows in naturally.
This is a variety that is best in part shade in warmer climates, with a little more sun in cooler areas.
The flowers are a brilliant red, the foliage a good mid green, held upright on tall stems.
With such good foliage, it can be used as a screening plant, it is well suited to any tropical type garden design, balinese style gardens or simply used as a feature plant.
Heliconia caribaea ‘Rio’ Care
General care is the same as for most Heiconia varieties.
- You can grow Heliconia Caribaea ‘Rio’ in containers.
- Try a humus rich soil, one that retains some moisture.
- A good application of an organic fertiliser each year will keep the plant happy.
- Part shade is generally best, and in good conditions the growth rate is fast.
Heliconia Caribaea has been widely hybridised and is available in a number of flower colours under different names. Look for named varieties such as :
- Heliconia bihai x Caribaea ‘Hot Rio Nights’