Markhamia Plants and Species
Markhamia are originally from Africa and China, they are a tropical tree. It is Markhamia lutea that is the most widely grown species. It will grow to 10 -15m and is often called the ‘Nile Tulip Tree’. Brilliant yellow flowers are a feature and hence the lutea part in the name.
Other Markhamia species.
A number of other names are given to this plant including both M. hildebrandtii and M. platycalyx.
- Markhamia zanzibarica is smaller growing (8 – 10m) with yellow/red flowers.
A fast growing evergreen tree that will take 4 – 5 years to flower. It does require moisture during warm summers. Requires little care and can handle colder temperatures and frosts. Attractive lush green foliage.
Propagation is from seed, although easier from seedlings already struck.
In landscaping Markhamia lutea makes a good shade tree and is also used as street tree.