A brilliant tropical to sub tropical flowering shrub, Megaskepasma erythrochlamys is also known as Red Justica and Brazilian Red Cloak. Reaching around 2m (taller in ideal conditions) this is a winter flowering plant that has masses of red flowers held above a mid green glossy foliage.
Preferring a humus rich moist soil in full sun to part shade Megaskepasma also makes a great foliage plant during the non flowering period. If you are looking to maximise flowering try a position in full sun with just a little protection late in the day.
While flowering Megaskepasma can deadheaded to maintain appearance and then it can be pruned to shape, usually in spring. Propagation is from cuttings taken in late spring as it strikes easily from semi hardwood cuttings if you use a rooting hormone, powder or liquid. Remember that this plant does require a moist position and is not frost tolerant. Mulch well to retain moisture.
Best in full sun to part shade, and excellent for underplanting taller trees and shrubs. Flowering is more prolific in a sunny position.
Where is it from? Venezula, Costa Rica and surrounding countries. Where can you grow it ? As far south as Sydney depending on conditions, maybe further south in a warm protected position.
This is a frost sensitive plant, however the brilliant flowers and excellent tropical foliage make it worth a try in cooler climates.
Prune back after flowering to maintain shape and size.
Propagation is easy from cuttings, so use the pruning time as a chance to take a few cuttings.