Pandanus palms and plant species include Pandanus tectoris (Screw Pine) which will reach 6m.
Pandanus dubius, is a shorter growing species with wide waxy foliage.
Pandanus forsteri from Lord Howe Island and Pandanus utilus. Pandanus are not really Palm Trees at all, and they are not Pine Trees either.
What we generally call Pandanus palms are those that grow in the warmer areas of Australia, largely along the east coast, however also across the top end.
It will depend on the exact location as to the best type for your landscaping needs, some species grow in coastal areas, others grow inland in the hills and mountains.
Most need a little care in warmer weather, over watering can create fungal problems. Another issue is the Pandanus Leaf Hopper, these insects secret a sticky substance that acts as a conduit for mould growth.
Most Pandanus trees need a little care in warmer weather, over watering can create fungal problems. Another issue is the Pandanus Leaf Hopper, these insects secret a sticky substance that acts as a conduit for mould growth.
In general it is Pandanus pedunculatus that is offered by most growers. This is the coastal screw pine and a great plant for landscaping in these areas. Generally available as single specimens to 4m in height.
Pandanus trees and shrubs
These are a very varied group of trees and shrubs, with some Pandanus varieties suited to grow as ground cover plants. So with more to the genus than meets the eye, we take a quick look at both common and unusual varieties.
Some Pandanus palms – varieties
- P. utilis – Originally from Madagascar and commonly called the ‘Red Edged Pandanus’. Fast growing, attractive foliage with a splash of red at the base and fairly drought tolerant.
- P. tectorius – Small tree to around 6 metres in height, with a similar spread. ornamental and will fruit after many years in the ground. Grows from Cape York to as far south as Port Macquarie. Widely grown and the foliage is used for weaving.
- P. gemmifer – Very slow growing and suited to growing in containers. This is a rainforest species from the Daintree Rainforest, down to nearly Sydney. Suited for use as an indoor plant.
- P. cookie – Requires a wet tropical climate to thrive.
- P. veitchii – Long foliage with some variegation, less spikes that others and will grow indoors in a container.
- P. sanderi – This is a spineless variety with variegated foliage.
- P. stuhlmanii – Originally from Kenya and very rare in cultivation
- P. dubious – This is a very wide leafed variety, very attractive foliage, however also very sensitive to cold. It would struggle in Brisbane and is best Cairns and further north.
- P. spirals – Another that requires warmth, Rockhampton and further to the north. Known as the ‘Screw Pine’ because of the nature of its trunk which looks a little like a screw. It is native to the northern parts of Queensland.
- P. cookii – A species best grown in wet tropical climates.
- P. pygmaeus – This is the dwarf screwpine, very ornamental foliage, yellow and green variegation, and it will only reach around 50 cm to 1 metre in height. Very sharp spines on the leaf margins. Requires a tropical climate to thrive, although also drought tolerant. Best suited to Darwin.
Problems With Growing Pandanus
- As they become larger not much will grow beneath them.
- They need to be planted away from paths as the leaves are serrated.
- They have a habit of dropping foliage
Pandanus Palms are available for sale online from the following participating nurseries
email ask@plantmark.com.au
One of Australia's largest wholesale trade nurseries. Over 30,000 species available, tubestock to advanced trees, an almost unlimited choice of plants.
11 Lenehans Noosaville Qld ..
Office 0754711242 -Mob –0409896915.
Pandanus specialists. Pandanus of all size’s. Delivery & installation available.