A magnificent small flowering tree, Magnolia soulangeana is commonly known as the ‘Saucer magnolia’. This is a deciduous hybrid magnolia (M. denudata x M. liliiflora) and makes an outstanding feature tree in any garden.
A number of different varieties of this superb tree are available, many very small growing. Although over time Magnolia soulangeana can reach a height of 5 – 9 meters, and growth rate over the first few years is moderate, it does slow as the plant matures. Most of the newer cultivars are naturally smaller than this.
These are a Magnolia with a naturally bushy habit, they require little pruning other than removal of damaged or dead wood.
Magnolia soulangeana Care
Plants will perform well in a humus rich moist well drained soil with protection from the afternoon sun. Best planted in autumn while the soil is still warm or in early spring.
Water in well with a liquid seaweed fertilizer and mulch to retain a cool root run. Best planted in a position protected from hot drying winds and afternoon sun. Pruning is generally not required
Varieties and Cultivars
- Magnolia x soulangeana.
This is the best known variety, large white flowers tinged with pink to purple, open as tulip shape and very easy to grow - Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Alexandrina’.
Larger flowers, and with more of a purple flush, long lasting and very attractive. - Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Lennei alba’ Clean white goblet shaped flowers
- Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Alba Superba’.
Very early flowering and almost pure white flowers - Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Picture’.
Very large flowers - Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Rustic Rubra’
More rounded or goblet shaped flowers deeper in colour to a rosey purple.
Magnolia soulangeana is available for sale from the following participating suppliers
55 McDougal Rd Neerim South Victoria 3831 PH: (03) 56281507
Advanced ornamental trees and garden designs and concept plans. Direct to your property combined with specialist knowledge and outstanding service.
Phone: 0411 435 314
Online Retailer of Landscaping Plants, large quantities of small pot sizes up to advanced sizes & plant Sourcing.
Carey Gully, Adelaide Hills.
Family business selling a large range of deciduous trees in pots 1-4m high. Crepe myrtle specialist. Includes Ornamental pears & plums, Red maples, Japanese maples, Gingko, Cercis, Ash, Birch, Crab apples, Weeping cherries, Gleditsia, Liquidambar and more. Hedging plants, evergreen trees & fruit trees.