Australian Native flowering plants are a fascinating and varied group. While well known Australian Native flowers include flowering plants such as banksia, Waratah and Kangaroo Paw the untapped beauty of Australian Native plants is only fully recognised by a few specialist nurseries, seed suppliers and Australian Native Flowering plant Mail Order Nurseries.
With such diversity in flower colour and form it is little wonder that Australian Native Flowers are now being exported world wide. The intricate flowers of the Grevillea longistyla (pictured right) are but one example of the many Australian Native Flowers that have incredible value both in the garden and as cut or dried flowers.
As early as the 1800s, many species were sought after in Europe for the colourful flowers and as cultivation and propagation techniques improve many more will make their way to the world stage.
Popular Australian Flowers
Some of the more popular Flowering AustralianNative Plants have such attractive and fascinating flowers that they are quickly becoming recognised as having great commercial value as cut flowers to the Australian Native Flower Industry. These Include
- Pimelia
- Phebalium
- Lechenaultia
- Rhodanthe
- Darwinia
- Chorizema
- Verticordia
- Grevillea
- Eremophila
- Isopogon
Available from
1052 Whittlesea-Kinglake Road Kinglake West 3757
Offering a specialist variety of Australian native Ferns plus Dendrobium/Dockrillia & Sarcochilus species & hybrids in pots, loose, or mounted. Species Cymbidium sauve and maddidum.
470 Monbulk-Silvan Road Monbulk VIC 3793
"Guaranteed mail order flowering bulbs, perennials, roses, trees, landscaping plants, garden accessories and community fundraising Austra lia-wide."