Monkey Puzzle Tree
Also called the Chilean pine Araucaria araucana is a slow growing long lived tree that does well in full sun to part shade.
The nuts from mature trees are used as a food crop in the native environment. These are an incredibly long lived tree with many specimen over 200 years old and some believed to be 500 years +.
Over time it will develop a large trunk however it has slow growth rate when first planted.
After it has settled in, a good growth rate of around .5m a year can be expected in good conditions.
The Monkey Puzzle Tree is a tall growing tree to 40metres in the natural habitat, in cultivation often much less, usually to 20m.

We are thinking that these trees do not like root disturbance.
Why the name ‘Monkey Puzzle Tree’ ? Given the spiny branches it was thought that even monkeys would be puzzled to find a way to climb it.
For the best growth habit, an open position in a humus rich well drained soils. Waterlogged soils at any time are not suitable. When grown in a container growth will be slower, however they can make a good specimen when grown this way.
Grows well in coastal situations. Can be propagated from seeds.