Escallonia are a low to medium growing evergreen flowering shrub with masses of flowers in spring through summer.
Easily clipped into a hedge they prefer a well drained spot in full sun to part shade.
Escallonia do well in pots. These are excellent hedging plants in full sun, however not so great for shade.
The dwarf varieties are very popular, reach around 80cm in height they come in a range of flower colors and are an easy care low plant for the border or for a low hedge.
How to grow Escallonia – Basic Care
Generally tough plants that cope well with low water and coastal conditions including poor soil. They will do better with a little water and fertilizer as do most plants. Regarded as problem free and easily pruned to keep in shape.
When planting as a hedge, space Escallonia at around 1m – 1.3m apart for a good dense hedge. Generally they are best pruned to 2m or less in height.
Pruning Escallonia
Escallonia after flowering, and again in autumn. Escallonias can be cut back into old wood and will regenerate. They also attract butterflies and bees.
Can you cut Escallonia back hard?
If you have left you plant unpruned, or it has just got too large then a harder prune than normal may be needed. The best time to hard prune Escallonia is just after flowering rather than in autumn. You can cut back into old wood but be aware that the plant may not flower the next season.
The ability to hard prune when needed makes this a good hedging plant as Escallonia can get to 3m (9ft) tall and often a shorter hedge where the flowers can be appreciated is what is required.Prune
Escallonia Varieties
The popular Escallonia Iveyi is used mainly for hedging, reaching around 3m in height with a similar spread. Deep green foliage undulating on the margins and attractive white flowers in summer. Foliage is rounded and attractive through the year.
The cultivars offered by growers vary in flower color and height. All are easy care and all work well as hedging plants or low border plants.
- E. iveyi with its dark glossy green foliage, it is a hybrid with panicles of white terminal flowers will reach around 2m in height is one of the more popular forms.
- E. bifida
- E. laevis ‘Hopleys Gold’
- E. pulverulenta will reach around 3m but is not widely grown
- E. rubra with its rosy pink flowers is another worth considering.
- Escallonia x langleyensis ‘Red Knight’ – Attractive red flowers on a small shrub to 3 metres in height.
- E. Pink Pixi – Low growing form with pink flowers from spring though summer. Excellent as a low hedging plant.
- E. Pink Elle – Good bright pink flowers
- E. Newport Dwarf – Pink flowers on a low growing bush to around 80 cm to 120 cm.
- Apple Blossom – Pale pink to white flowers, deep green foliage reaches around 2m in height.
- Red Elf – Brilliant red flowers and good green foliage, reaches around 2m in height.
Landscaping Uses.
Used in gardens and landscaping for many years, this is a versatile plant that has never gone out of fashion. Flowers are fragrant and contrast well against the glossy green foliage.
As landscaping plants they are popular due to the low water requirements, ability to grow well in coastal conditions, ease of pruning and general hardy nature.
Excellent as a low hedge along the edge of a driveway, path or used as a border plant. As a drought tolerant easy care hedge, Escallonia make a great choice.
Low growing varieties can be used as a border along a path.
Taller types are suited as hedging or screening plants. Flowers are long lasting from spring through summer and vary in colour from white through to pink and red.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Escallonia
- Common Name – Escallonia
- Flower Colour – White to Pink depending on variety
- Flowering Time – Spring to early summer on into autumn depending on conditions.
- Fragrance – Yes, flowers are fragrant.
- Foliage – Glossy green.
- Growth rate – Medium to Fast.
- Growth Habit – Shrub
- Height – To 3 metres (Dwarf varieties lower to around 1 metre in height)
- Spread – To 2.5 metres.
- Position – Full sun
- Soil – Humus rich with good drainage.
- Frost tolerance – Medium.
- Drought tolerance – Medium to good once established.
- Pruning Time – After flowering.
Escallonia are available for sale from the following Nurseries
412 James Lane, Fern Hill VIC. 3458 - Phone 0419002651
Large range of Rare plants, Climbers, Bulbs, Perennials Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Available both Retail and by Mail Order
Large variety of Epimediums, Woodland plants and Herbaceous perennials
Mail order or nursery. We do not send to Tasmania or WA
470 Monbulk-Silvan Road Monbulk VIC 3793
"Guaranteed mail order flowering bulbs, perennials, roses, trees, landscaping plants, garden accessories and community fundraising Austra lia-wide."
WINTER HILL TREE FARM Ph: 02 4878 9193 Fax: 02 4878 9109
NSW Southern Highlands
Retail & Wholesale. Advanced trees & hedging. Grown in pots for year-round planting. 45 litre - 1000 litre available. Great range. Great Quality. Delivery available.